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Vasilenko A.M. Modern terminology and the nomenclature of reflexotherapy
On the basis of the analysis of a terminological situation in the field of
reflexotherapy the unified definitions of the basic concepts, and the
nomenclature of methods of reflex diagnostics and therapy are presented.
Offered terminology and the nomenclature are recommended to use in
publications, devoted to application of reflexotherapy in different fields
of medicine. Keywords: reflexotherapy, terminology, the nomenclature.

About the authors



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  4. Василенко А.М., Осипова Н.Н., Шаткина Г.В. Лекции по рефлек сотерапии. - М. Из во Су Джок академии, 2002. - 361 с.
  5. Гойденко В.С. Рефлексотерапия //БМЭ, 1984, т. 22. С. 244 245.
  6. Киричинский А.В. Рефлексотерапия // БМЭ, 1962, т. 28, С. 564 569.

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