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Abstract-a basis of our clinical research became following problems: to analyse and compare efficiency of application of the new device for rehabilitation of patients to a chronic pain in a neck with classical reflexotherapy and as control group, patients aerobic exercises received only have been taken. At patients with IMS II degrees acupuncture provides a cupping of a painful syndrome to the end of 2-nd week. The technique of treatment on apparatus MCU at patients IMS of II degree provides full retrogress of a painful syndrome to 3-rd week with authentic escalating force of muscles and restoration of mobility in a cervical department of a backbone. In control group on a scale VAS average indices of a pain in a neck have decreased not authentically. All patients according to measurement hurt a threshold of painful sensitivity has not changed or has changed slightly, and according to OB disturbances of a working capacity were kept.


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Copyright (c) 2007 Soroka A.V., Nadezhdina M.V., Stolyarov I.A., Khizhenok V.A.

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