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Antioxidant defence system of patients with exudative age - related macular degeneration during the photodynamic therapy.
Balatskaya N.V., Frolkov V.K., Kiseleva T.N., Budzinskaya M.V, Krasnova L.B., Goldina N.A.
Key words: exudative age - related macular degeneration, photodynamic therapy, free radicals oxidation, antioxidant defence system (ADS), total antioxidant status (TAS), enzymes of antioxidant system.
ADS of 44 patients with exudative age - related macular degeneration was studied during photodynamic therapy. Before photodynamic therapy, discordance activity levels of antioxidant enzymes were shown formed and TAS level depressed in the age - related macular degeneration patients compared with controls. After 1 month photodynamic therapy period TAS was lower the pre-therapeutic values. As investigation showed, during the 1 year discordance activity levels of antioxidant enzymes was increased. Authors suggest to require correction therapy with application antioxidant drugs.


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Copyright (c) 2007 Balatskaya N.V., Frolkov V.K., Kiseleva T.N., Budzinskaya M.V., Krasnova L.B., Gol'dina N.A.

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