Povyshenie ustoychivosti organizma cheloveka k dlitel'nym staticheskim fizicheskimnagruzkam s pomoshch'yu kompleksa spetsial'noy silovoy podgotovki

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In article the method of rising of static endurance of the muscles used by the pilot of the plane at realization
of antireloading reception is surveyed. The short substantiation is given on To basis of the analysis of the difficult muscular
The efforts providing counteraction to overloads, Way of training of corresponding muscles to long static loads. On
the basis of special physical exercises the complex of power preparation which has been approved on healthy men is
developed Volunteers in the course of their training within three weeks. As a result of the conducted research it is shown
High efficiency of a complex of the special power Exercises for rising of static endurance Muscles of a trunk, arms and the
feet participating in realization Antireloading receptions, and positive dynamics in functioning of cardiovascular system
At static loads.


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Copyright (c) 2010 Maryashin Y.E., Malashchuk L.S., Filatov V.N.

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