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The authors have carried out assessment of psychological status of students of the first - fourth year of a technical higher military educational institutions. Revealed that training-exam activity is accompanied by functional impairment of the psychological status as a disorder of adaptation responses, as evidenced by the deterioration of (the test "SUN") compared to the pre-examination period of "feeling"and "activity" (by 9,4% - 10,4 %), increased personal and reactive anxiety (at 10.5% -11.8%), and also increased (by 66.3%) of subjective manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome. Obtained in the data indicate statistically significant differences between the intensity of the reaction of adaptation disorders in students the first two courses compared with students of the third or fourth year.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Shakula A.V., Dybov M.D., Nikulin D.I.

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