Kompleksnaya otsenka vliyaniya kompleksa «Vazoton» naintegral'nye pokazateli fiziologicheskogo statusavoennosluzhashchikh srochnoy sluzhby vnutrennikh voysk

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In the present work the integrated survey of the functional state the internal military forces servicemen was carried out.
The influence on them of the drug Vazoton, which is a product of L-arginine, was estimated. A survey of 61 servicemen
was carried out, including the estimation of the functional state by psychomotor testing, spiroarteriocardiorhythmographia
and laser correlation spectroscopy methods. Vazoton showed the significant positive influence on the functional status of
permanent over pressed servicemen. A month after the application of the Vazoton number of persons with positive individual
changes in physiological status reaches 66%, while in the case of previous pneumonia - and 80%. That allows recommending
this drug for widespread use in restorative medicine as a means to enhance the organism functional reserves, especially after
previous inflammatory diseases.

About the authors

A D Fesyun

Email: skalny3@microelements.ru


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Copyright (c) 2023 Fesyun A.D.

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