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The paper presents a clinical and kinesiological examination of 12 patients after sport cord (67% male and 33% female )
in intermediate period of spinal cord trauma in motor-incomplete spinal cord injury. The cohort of patients was divided into two groups:
the 1st one including 6 patients had standard rehabilitation program and trained with the help of ERIGO, the 2d - control grope ( 6
patients) had only rehabilitation program trained with the help of classic tilt-table. To estimate neurological status we used American
Spinal cord Injury Association scale on the 1st and 20 th day of rehabilitation. After the rehabilitation course muscles force significantly
increased and kinesiological parameters improved with the 1st group patients. It was found that effectiveness of locomotor training
with the help of Erigo surpassed the effects of traditional kinesiotherapy.


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Copyright (c) 2010 Daminov V.D., Zimina E.V., Kuznetsov A.N.

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