Primenenie elektropunkturnoy diagnostiki po metodu R. Follyav otsenke biosovmestimosti stomatologicheskikh materialov

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Of the study in 30 patients with allergic history defined possibility of electropuncture Diagnostics to assess biosovmestimosti
of dental materials. Voll method using the hardware-software complex Diadens-PC made individual selection of toothpaste
and dental filling materials for each study participant. In the dynamics of the evaluated clinical indicators and dental status
was cytomorphologic before and after filling cavities. For all time observation of allergic reactions have been recorded. Within
1 month use of selected toothpastes improved papillârno-alveolar/bronchiolar-marginal index and universal index of hygiene.
Correct selection of dental materials defined clinically and morphologically. Provided reliable indicators of cellular composition
of the smear-fingerprint gums. The authors of the article make conclusions about the appropriateness of applying this method
in a dental office in order to minimize the complications in patients with hard allergoanamnezom.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Mandra Y.V., Vlasova M.I., Svetlakova E.N., Vanevskaya E.A.

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