Sravnitel'naya otsenka effektivnosti kognitivno-povedencheskoy, ratsional'noy i kombinirovannoy(kognitivno-povedencheskoy i ratsional'noy) psikhoterapii u bol'nykh s impul'sivnym tipomemotsional'no neustoychivogo rasstroystva lichnosti

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The article analyzes the performance of discomfort, visual symptoms, the level of suicide risk, treatment compliance was
estimated physician and was estimated to patients themselves. Three groups of patients. The first group of patients treated
only by the methods of cognitive-behavioral therapy in the second group have applied the methods of cognitive-behavioral
and rational therapy in the third group of patients treated with methods of rational therapy. The study was a randomized,
blind, prospective. Revealed that the most noticeable and consistent improvement observed in patients treated with cognitivebehavioral


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Copyright (c) 2011 Kharitonov S.V.

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