Effektivnost' «S-E-T» - terapii na fone primeneniya neyropeptidov v rannem vosstanovitel'nom periode ishemicheskogo insul'ta

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Aim. To estimate the effectiveness of early rehabilitation in patients with severe impaired motor function after stroke with exercise (Sling Exercise complex) during treatment with the neuropeptide preparation Cortexine.
Material and methods. 3 group of patients after ischemic stroke with hemiparesis (severity from 1 to 3 points). All patients of groups 1 and 2, starting after 5 days of stroke, were carried out early physical training rehabilitation. The first group patients (n = 34) was used in the treatment with Cortexine 10mg i/m (course 15 days). The second group of patients (n = 36) neuropeptide drugs were not used. In the 3-d group (n = 30) physical rehabilitation is not carried out, neuropeptide drugs were not used.
Results. Early use of Physical rehabilitation techniques in patients after ischemic stroke vas safe and effective, and could improve the quality of life. Appointment in the first days of treatment of ischemic stroke neuropeptide drugs and the subsequent accession of exercise rehabilitation (Sling Exercise) increases the efficiency of complex mental and physical rehabilitation, in comparison with those patients in whom neuropeptide drugs and physical rehabilitation does not apply


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Copyright (c) 2011 Arkhipov V.V., Privalov A.N., Poloyko A.A., Shestakov P.A.

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