Obosnovanie neobkhodimosti pishchenutritsevticheskoy korrektsii urovnya funktsional'nykh rezervov u voennosluzhashchikh srochnoy sluzhby

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To assess nutritional dietary supply troops of macro-and microelements, an analysis was made of whole diets (menu-) from troops, organized and individual diets. Found that catering is one of the factors influencing the performance of mineral Exchange. Thus, the standard menu of internal troops conscripted soldiers, eating in an orderly manner, generally corresponds to the mikronutrientnomu composition of physiological needs of the organism, with the exception of the Ca deficit risks; soldiers, feeding, individually, can be attributed to the risk of alimentarnomu deficiency of Ca, Mg, Fe and Zn, Co, Cu and Si, that is, the lack of control over the quality, quantity and range of food is risk factor for gipomikroelementozov


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Copyright (c) 2023 Ivashkiv I.I., Skal'nyy A.A., Katulin A.N., Kurov I.A.

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