Vol 10, No 5 (2011)


Obosnovanie neobkhodimosti ucheta regional'nykh biogeokhimicheskikh osobennostey pri provedenii meropriyatiy po vosstanovleniyu zdorov'ya naseleniya

Demidov V.A., Detkov V.Y., Sal'nikova E.V.


Article (scientific review) is devoted features of influence of ecologo-geochemical features of territory on functioning of living organisms, and to an important role which they should play at planning and carrying out of prophylactic and rehabilitative actions. The basic concepts of geochemical ecology (geochemical and biogeochemical provinces) in connection to influence of environment on functioning of a human body and animals are is short considered. The urgency of a new scientific direction in medicine - geochemical ecology of the diseases is proved. This brunch of medical science allowing to develop highly effective recommendations of treatment and preventive actions of widespread diseases.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):2-5
pages 2-5 views

Otobrazhenie stepeni porazheniya golovnogo mozga i dinamiki vosstanovitel'nykh protsessov u nevrologicheskikh bol'nykh s ispol'zovaniem novykh pokazateley glazodvizheniy

Dotsenko V.I., Shtefanova O.Y., Yakushev A.G., Kaspranskaya G.R., Bokov T.Y.


In healthy volunteers under conditions of physiological rest and of extreme situations (alcohol intake) as well as in patients with CNS pathology (infantile cerebral palsy), and in patients with isolated vestibular loss it was demonstrated, at the investigations of vestibular nystagmus, that a new numerical quality index, coefficient of gaze-stabilization, is found to be useful for computer analysis of the nystagmographic records. It was shown that analysis of eye-movements, which are considered in the head-fixed coordinate system, has a great informative value, in contrast with solely eye-movements records analysis. This analysis was performed by means of produced by the authors computer-based electro-oculographic laboratory environment, equipped by the sensor of head angular velocity.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):6-10
pages 6-10 views

Psikhofiziologicheskiy podkhod v diagnostike sindroma vegetativnoy disfunktsii u podrostkov v ramkakh vosstanovitel'nogo lecheniya giperaktivnogo rasstroystva s defitsitom vnimaniya

Ivanova V.A., Shangin A.B., Shabalov N.P.


There are you will find the result of the inquiry of the children in the article. Selectede quantity is about 60 persons. The age between 10 till 15 years old. The diagnosis is "hyperactive disturbance in the low level of attention". All selected children under vegetative dysfunction in three versions of the vegetative tone: parasympatethic - 56,7%, eutonic -36,7%, sympatethic - 6,7%. The most part of the children of the main controlled group (92%) has a high factor of perinathal pathology. In fact, the diagnostics of the vegetative status and vegetative reaction in the psychophysiological method by spectral reporting of the rhythm of the heart show us the way how to optimize treatment and rehabilitation arrangements for above children
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):13-15
pages 13-15 views

Vliyanie antistressovykh sportivnykh napitkov na vosstanovlenie rabotosposobnosti posle myshechnykh peregruzok

Gerasimov E.M., Tret'yak L.N., Yachevskiy V.N., Skal'nyy A.V.


Research is spent on the basis of experimentally-biological clinic (vivarium) of State educational institution Orenburg State University, a medical unit of State educational institution Orenburg State University and the Problem Laboratory of studying the natural immunity mechanisms of Orenburg state medical academy. For the purpose of an experimental substantiation of «ideal sports drink» ingredient structure an experiment with compulsory swimming of rats is made; biochemical markers for leaders' professional selection with boundless possibilities of a specific working capacity increment from the same group of applicants are revealed, the structure of the antistressful regenerative drink raising working capacity at organo-system level after long muscular overloads is thus well-founded
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):16-20
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Kompleksnaya meditsinskaya reabilitatsiya bol'nykh ishemicheskoy bolezn'yu serdtsa s sindromom obstruktivnogo apnoe-gipopnoe sna posle chreskozhnoy translyuminal'noy angioplastiki

Yudin V.E., Shchegol'kov A.M., Klimko V.V., Budko A.A., Starikov S.M., Kalinina S.V.


In this article the clinical substantiation Continuous Positive Airway Pressure - therapy for treatment Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome is observed. The obtained data shows efficiency Continuous Positive Airway Pressure - therapy for patients of the Ischaemic heart disease after Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):25-27
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Osobennosti funktsional'nogo sostoyaniya serdechno -sosudistoy i dykhatel'noy sistem pri vertebro -vistseral'nom sindrome

Kavalerskiy G.M., Ternovoy K.S., Bogachev V.Y., Romanchuk A.P., Lebedeva M.A.


103 patients with a trauma of cervical and/or thorax parts of a spine column during all periods of traumatic disease were examined by means of persistent and non-invasive method of spiroarteriocardiorythmography. The aim of the study was to evaluate the functional sufficiency of cardiovascular and respiratory systems of patients with spinal cord injury. All patients were also executed with modern highly technological researches: MRI, C.T. Results of researches MRI, C.T. speak only about damage localization and morphology, when the functional condition of life supporting systems is the most important for patient's survival. The received results show that this method provides objective control of the functional condition and sufficiency of cardiorespiratory system of patients with a backbone trauma
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):28-33
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Effektivnost' ortopedicheskikh metodik v kompleksnom lechenii radikulopatiy poyasnichnogo otdela pozvonochnika

Drobyshev V.A., Yudin V.I., Surkov I.A.


The article presents the results of treatment of the 47 patients from 35 till 59 years with lumbar radiculopathy. The object of research was two homogeneous groups: in control group within two weeks it was spent the complex treatment including standard medicamentous therapy, massage and exercise, in the main first group - additionally to it - the treatment has been added by carrying of a supporting belt "Atlant". After being rehabilitated in the 1st group a radicular pain were completely stopped at 20,8 % of patients, the volume of movements in the lower extremities has increased on 19,1-20,0 %, microcirculation indicators have improved on 25,0 %, the positive dynamics from outside indicators of the neuromuscular conductivity has been noted, that was not observed in 2nd group
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):34-36
pages 34-36 views

Ispol'zovanie metodov talassoterapii v lechenii arterial'noy gipertonii u bol'nykh s metabolicheskim sindromom

Kuzovkova E.D., Turova E.A., Badtieva V.A.


Examined the clinical effectiveness of algal wrappings in treatment of patients with metabolic syndrome manifestations of arterial hypertension. Shows that the application procedures of algae wraps on the declining of daily energy intake reduces body weight, reduction of abdominal obesity, calls the hypotensive effect is simpatolitičeskoe action contributes to cardiac activity is to improve the processes of Microcirculation, lipid spectrum and rheological properties of blood
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):37-41
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Sovershenstvovanie reabilitatsii patsientov s vertebro-nevrologicheskimi zabolevaniyami

Komleva N.E., Mar'yanovskiy A.A., Sholomov I.I., Medentsov V.V.


to improve the rehabilitation of patients with diseases lumbosacral spine. For this purpose we have developed an algorithm and optimized manual therapy pharmacopuncture. The article presented of the clinical examination of 186 patients 23 to 67 years with diseases lumbosacral spine. The efficiency of the studied treatments
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):42-45
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Ayrapetova N.S., Rassulova M.A., Nitchenko O.V.


Clinical and functional researches demonstrated the benefits form inclusion of general baths with Biolong in medicorehabilitative complex for treating the patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The advantages of prescribing the hydropathical factor with anti-hypoxic and anti-oxidant effects for treating the patients with bronchial asthma were demonstrated.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):45-49
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Sostoyanie faktorov antimikrobnoy zashchity reproduktivnogo trakta u zhenshchin s khlamidiynoy infektsiey do i posle terapii s ispol'zovaniem lokal'nykh magnitolazernykh vozdeystviy

Dolgushin I.I., Gizinger O.A., Letyaeva O.I., Ziganshina T.A.


Complex influence by low intensity laser and magnetic field impact on the main effector functions of neutrophils in females suffering from Chlamydia infection has been studied. Dysfunction of neutrophil granulocytes was revealed in this group of patients. This was first of all manifested in the decreased number of phagocytes and lower rates of phagocytosis. Neutrophils it was found out that the proportion of active intracellular forms of oxygen was considerably decreased in patients compared to healthy subjects. Thus, complex influence by low intensity laser and magnetic field eliminates dysfunction neutrophils.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):50-54
pages 50-54 views

Obosnovanie neobkhodimosti pishchenutritsevticheskoy korrektsii urovnya funktsional'nykh rezervov u voennosluzhashchikh srochnoy sluzhby

Ivashkiv I.I., Skal'nyy A.A., Katulin A.N., Kurov I.A.


To assess nutritional dietary supply troops of macro-and microelements, an analysis was made of whole diets (menu-) from troops, organized and individual diets. Found that catering is one of the factors influencing the performance of mineral Exchange. Thus, the standard menu of internal troops conscripted soldiers, eating in an orderly manner, generally corresponds to the mikronutrientnomu composition of physiological needs of the organism, with the exception of the Ca deficit risks; soldiers, feeding, individually, can be attributed to the risk of alimentarnomu deficiency of Ca, Mg, Fe and Zn, Co, Cu and Si, that is, the lack of control over the quality, quantity and range of food is risk factor for gipomikroelementozov
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):55-56
pages 55-56 views

Korrektsiya elementnogo disbalansa u zhiteley g. Magadana, regulyarno zanimayushchikhsya sportom, preparatami tsinka i kobal'ta

Lugovaya E.A., Babaniyazov K.K.


The contents of 25 macro- and trace elements were measured in the hairs of 28 female Magadan residents, 20-40 aged, who actively do fitness. The method of atom emission spectrometry (Center for Biotic Medicine, Moscow) was used in the study. During the examination, deficit in Со was found in 93% of the examinee, 75% demonstrated deficit of Cu and Mg, 71% lack I, 64% - P, 57% - Ca, 37% - Zn, and 25% - Se. After the subjects underwent the 25 day correction of the element status carried with the taking of аtsyzol and сobazol that respectively contained Zn and Co, the effects were the following: Co reached normal values in 90% of the examinee, I became normal in 70%, and Fe was no longer in deficit. The isolated instances of excess in Cr and Sn were eliminated. The contents of the hair P, Na, K, and Mn were improved. Deficit in Zn was eliminated in a single case. In our opinion, for the purpose a more extended аtsyzol taking and more doses of the medicine (for example, 2 capsules a day) is needed. Besides, timely diagnosing of the metabolic disorders is required to prevent possible microelementosis and make doing sports more effective.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):57-60
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Vliyanie korrektsii elementnogo statusa na dinamiku funktsional'nogo sostoyaniya organizma devushek-regbistok v sorevnovatel'nyy period (po rezul'tatam polisistemnogo monitoringa)

Pankova N.B., Arkhipova E.N., Fesenko A.G., Alchinova I.B., Karganov M.Y.


It was carried out a polysystemic monitoring of the functional state of members of national women's rugby team under the correction of trace element status of the organism via an individual scheme during the competitive season. The performance of respiratory system, hemodynamic parameters, heart rate and blood pressure variability, indices of psychomotor coordination, indicators of metabolism (the method of laser correlation spectroscopy), indicators of the antioxidant system, as well as indicators of psychological testing were evaluated. Positive changes in the status of the antioxidant defense system, as well as the changing nature of metabolism were revealed. The changes of biochemical parameters were accompanied by a significant increase in the functional reserves of the cardiovascular system (by increasing the level of functional activity of the sympathetic level of autonomic regulation) and improvements in psychomotor sphere.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):60-66
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Krut'ko V.N., Gavrilov M.A., Dontsov V.I.


The woman obesity beside carries the system nature and touches many physiological functions, which possible unite on the grounds of correlation relationships in several main groups: increased pulmonary functions, age and triglycerides change, alimantary change and triglycerides increasing.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):67-69
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Meditsinskie pokazaniya i sredstva ortezirovaniya bol'nykh s gemiparezom i narusheniem oporno - dvigatel'nykh funktsiy nizhney konechnosti posle perenesennogo insul'ta

Spivak B.G., Petrushanskaya K.A., Gritsenko G.P.


Peculiarities of the locomotor disturbances in patients with hemipareiss of the cerebral origin have been considered in this article. Three variants of combination of the ankle and knee joints have been revealed. In spite of the great remoteness of the disease (1,5-6 years) combined application of the orthopaedic device Orlett (PQ-303) with the brace AFO-101 or with the tutor on the ankle joint leads to increase of the supporting function of the paretic limb, to growth of the push function of the intact lower extremity, and consequently, to its "enslaving", to diminution of the support on the cane, and in some patients - to possibility of walking without the additional support. Application of such devices in early stages of rehabilitation will permit to avert progress of deformations, to shorten the period of the restorative treatment, and besides, to decrease the cost of treatment
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):70-74
pages 70-74 views

Novye diagnosticheskie tekhnologii v sportivnoy meditsine

Kurashvili V.A.


The article highlights the modern diagnostic technologies that can be applied in practice, sports medicine, regenerative medicine and rehabilitation. Currently, the development of a wide range of different diagnostic devices. Considered by modern diagnostic and therapeutic technology phases out-patient and in-patient treatment algorithms their use in diseases of the musculoskeletal system and other organs and systems of an organism. Describes the diagnostic features of sports injuries. Estimated value of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in athletes of different sports
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):75-78
pages 75-78 views

RETsENZIYa na monografiyu «Etnicheskaya fiziologiya: ekologiya, adaptatsiya, zdorov'e»

Belozerov V.S., Bondar' T.P.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(5):79-79
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pages 81-82 views

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