Komp'yuternaya elektroakupunktura v lechenii bol'nykh bronkhial'noy astmoy: klinicheskaya i kliniko-ekonomicheskaya effektivnost'

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The purpose of the study-study of the clinical and clinical and cost-effectiveness of computer has (KÈAP) in the complex treatment of patients with bronchial asthma (BA). The study brought together 187 patients with BA (the average age is 34 years, the average duration of 3.9 years), 130 of which treatment was applied to KÈAP. Division into primary () and referentnuu (r) group produced on the basis of the application in the treatment of KÈAP (only in the Group). Survey of patients Group held prior to the study and after each course KÈAP (Group r-relevant time intervals). For a comparative analysis of method of pairs formed the ravnoсislennye subgroup from Group b. examination: monitoring indicators of external respiration function, flow protivoastmatiсeskih of medicines and clinical and economic performance (cost-efficiency "(CER), increment the efficiency (CERi)). Treatment method of KÈAP used the "hardware-software system for electropuncture stimulation KEs-01-MIDA" production of JSC "MIDAUS" (Ulyanovsk). Applying Auricular acupuncture points scheme. KÈAP conducted courses consisting of 5 sessions, with breaks between courses in 30-40 days. The Group recorded a reliable growth forced exhalation for 1 second (OFV1) after the first course in a subsequent growth rate continued. Forced vital capacity of the lungs, in the course of the study, had a tendency to increase the capacity of the lungs and life has not changed significantly. Also decrease average daily doses of fenoterola. Average cost-efficiency "(per 1% increase in OFV1) with the concomitant use of Pharmacotherapy and KÈAP below it when applying exclusively to pharmacological therapy in 1.4 times: 340.1 ± 12.7. and 470.7 ± 17.1. respectively. Cost reduction per diem protivoastmatiсeskih doses drugs when applying


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Copyright (c) 2011 Khokhlov M.P., Peskov A.B., Stuchebnikov V.M., Chumak S.N.

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