Meditsinskie pokazaniya i sredstva ortezirovaniya bol'nykh s gemiparezom i narusheniem oporno - dvigatel'nykh funktsiy nizhney konechnosti posle perenesennogo insul'ta

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Peculiarities of the locomotor disturbances in patients with hemipareiss of the cerebral origin have been considered in this article. Three variants of combination of the ankle and knee joints have been revealed. In spite of the great remoteness of the disease (1,5-6 years) combined application of the orthopaedic device Orlett (PQ-303) with the brace AFO-101 or with the tutor on the ankle joint leads to increase of the supporting function of the paretic limb, to growth of the push function of the intact lower extremity, and consequently, to its "enslaving", to diminution of the support on the cane, and in some patients - to possibility of walking without the additional support. Application of such devices in early stages of rehabilitation will permit to avert progress of deformations, to shorten the period of the restorative treatment, and besides, to decrease the cost of treatment


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Copyright (c) 2023 Spivak B.G., Petrushanskaya K.A., Gritsenko G.P.

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