Digitalization of economic relations as a factor of countries' sustainable development

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The problems of countries' digitalization and sustainable development on the eve of "deglobalization" are considered. A new approach to assessing the development of regional socio-economic systems using an invariant coordinate system of energy flows is proposed. It provides a better identification of countries and regions as stable socio-economic structures. Based on the concepts of full and useful power in open non-equilibrium stable socio-economic systems, definitions for a formalized description of the sustainable development monitoring are proposed. The reserach purpose was to present a new model of analysis of regional socio-economic development using energy units of economic relations' measurement and substantiate the relationship between countries' digitalization and sustainable development. An analysis of the development indicators for fourteen European countries is given. A correlation between the main development trends, the technological level and the digitalization is established. In conditions of uncertainty and rapid changes in the global economic environment, the data obtained can provide the necessary information for developing a strategy for sustainable economic development and digital transformation of Russian regions. The article may be of interest to researchers whose area of interest includes regions' digitalization and sustainable development. The results of the study can be useful for practical managers who develop and implement strategies for regions' innovative development.

About the authors

Viktor Ivanovich Abramov

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI


Igor Viktorovich Abramov

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI


Aleksandr Valentinovich Putilov

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI


Inese Trushinya

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies



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Copyright (c) 2023 Abramov V.I., Abramov I.V., Putilov A.V., Trushinya I.

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