Creating regional business ecosystems based on digital customer profiles and omnichannel communications

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The possibility of creating regional ecosystems based on an integrated approach to combining digital profiles of companies' clients is being analyzed. The article is devoted to identifying the points of growth of companies' efficiency in the ecosystem and the role of the consolidating center in the creation of the ecosystem, including the participation of the regional government. The conceptual provisions of the theory of ecosystems, platform economics and marketing were used as the methodological basis. In methodological terms, the research is based on the generalization and analysis of theoretical material, the study of materials of previously performed sociological and marketing research on digital platforms and ecosystems, as well as on the systematization and grouping of the data obtained. To demonstrate the effectiveness of omnichannel communications and digital customer profiles, a comparative analysis of various technologies and proven methods of increasing efficiency and profitability using client-centric approaches is used. The features of using the ecosystem approach in the implementation of digital transformation of companies and the creation of a regional ecosystem are considered. It is proposed to create a business model using machine learning to differentiate customers. A method for creating omnichannel communications, digital profiles and forming clients' dynamic clusters is proposed. It is shown that the described mechanisms make it possible to increase sales and the level of customer loyalty to a particular company of the ecosystem, as well as to the products and services of the ecosystem as a whole.

About the authors

Viktor Ivanovich Abramov

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI


Vladimir Vladimirovich Gordeev

Lomonosov Moscow State University


Aleksandr Dmitrievich Stolyarov

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI



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Copyright (c) 2023 Abramov V.I., Gordeev V.V., Stolyarov A.D.

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