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Vol 13, No 3 (2023)

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Managing business competitiveness through innovative transformation in a mobilization economy

Shchepakin M.B.


The changed economic reality has brought to the fore the problem of managing innovative transformations in various sectors of the national economy. In the conditions of a mobilization economy, it is necessary to build rational communication fields and accumulate motivational potential by business entities sufficient to ensure their competitiveness and strengthen the economic sovereignty of the Russian socio-economic system as a whole. There is no large-scale transition to a new transformation trajectory. This is due to the uncertainty of understanding where the center of power is located and how it is formed, and what factors determine the effectiveness of innovative transformations in the decision-making process to reach the desired level of competitive status of domestic business. The author substantiates the possibility of building effective models of economic sovereignty management in the socio-economic system by strengthening the motivational and communication immunity of business entities. The article argues for the improvement of the interrelation model of functional and role components in the business change management system. In this model, the emphasis is placed on the formation of motivational and communication immunity of the subject, providing for the increase of behavioral compensatory in adaptation and marketing efforts to gain advantageous competitive positions in a changing market environment. The law of the motivational bubble is proposed. This law links the subjects' motivations, their total internal potential and the amount of innovative inertia of the labor resource.The author's interpretation of the motivational and behavioral boomerang effect arising in the process of managing the marketing behavior of subjects focused on activating the processes of innovative changes in the conditions of turbulence of motivational expectations is presented.The model of managing the competitiveness of business in the socio-economic system in the conditions of the mobilization economy is proposed. This model establishes the interrelations and interdependencies of various participants, i.e. subjects of different segments of the economy, that arise when they build innovation and investment processes in the interests of achieving mutual benefits and gaining economic sovereignty by the system as a whole.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):601-628
pages 601-628 views

The mechanism of Russian industrial policy in strategic planning system

Afanasyev A.A.


The author of the article examines the essence of the mechanism of strategic planning of industrial development in Russia. Theoretical approaches to understanding the processes of public administration are analyzed. The stages of policy formation and implementation are identified. The system of strategic planning is characterized. The list of documents forming its basis in accordance with the allocated processes is given. The main provisions of key normative acts fixing strategic priorities and goals of industrial development of the country are determined. The author's vision of the stages of industrial policy in the strategic planning system based on the process approach is given. The substantiation of the need to update existing strategies in terms of goal-setting in connection with the adoption of a new strategic priority related to the achievement of technological sovereignty is given.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):629-648
pages 629-648 views

Adaptation of companies' marketing activities amidst structural economic modernization

Palkin A.V., Bespyatyh V.I., Sozinova A.A., Meteleva O.A.


The authors carried out a systematization of traditional approaches to the companies' marketing activities. Traditional approaches to marketing activities are not applicable in the context of structural modernization of the economy due to insufficient flexibility of marketing activities. The solution of this scientific gap is proposed through the development of a framework strategy for marketing activities in the context of structural modernization. The process of marketing activity in the conditions of structural modernization includes the application of a more complex logic of marketing activity itself.The theoretical significance of the conducted research lies in the development of the marketing concept through the justification of the inapplicability of existing approaches to the adaptation of marketing activities in the conditions of structural modernization. The scientific and practical significance of this article lies in the development of applied recommendations in the form of a framework strategy for marketing activities in the context of structural modernization. The research results may be of interest to practitioners in order to use in the activities of modern companies to increase their adaptability to the structural modernization and improve the effectiveness of marketing activities.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):649-660
pages 649-660 views

Key steps in a comprehensive assessment of the competitive environment

Garmashova E.P.


The article is devoted to the study of indicators that can be used to assess the competitive environment in order to determine its structure, efficiency and development prospects. The classification of indicators for assessing the competitive environment was based on four concepts of competition: structural, behavioral, coordination and functional ones. Within the framework of the structural concept, competition acts as a criterion that determines the nature of interaction between market entities. In the behavioral concept, competition is considered as a process of competition between market participants for achieving the best results. Coordination conceptconsiders competition as an element of the market mechanism, which allows to coordinate the behavior of consumers and producers. The functional concept defines competition as an incentive for innovation. Based on these four approaches to the interpretation of competition, four areas of evaluation of the competitive environment and, accordingly, four groups of evaluation indicators were proposed: indicators of the market structure, indicators of the effectiveness of the firm activity, indicators of the level of consumer and manufacturer satisfaction and indicators of the level of innovative development. The assessment of the market structure includes the concentration coefficient, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index, the analysis of entry barriers, etc. The assessment of the effectiveness of the firm activity is based on the Lerner index of market power, profitability indicators, etc. The assessment of the level of consumer and manufacturer satisfaction includes a survey of consumers regarding satisfaction with the existing choice of goods, a survey of manufacturers regarding the aggressiveness of competition in the market. The assessment of the level of innovative development includes the determination of the effectiveness of scientific and technical activities and the effectiveness of innovative activities. For each group of indicators, the application features and disadvantages are given. It is concluded that it is advisable to take into account various groups of indicators for the completeness of the competitive environment analysis. The analysis should include 10 stages of a comprehensive assessment of competition in the market.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):661-676
pages 661-676 views

A resource-based approach to analyse the competitive environment as a factor in strengthening the company's competitive position

Aleksandrova L.Y., Kalinina G.V., Bakaeva Z.Y., Munshi A.Y., Steklova I.V., Mitrofanova M.Y.


In modern conditions of increasing complexity of socio-economic relations, the analysis of company's external environment is an important tool for diagnosing the company's market position.The article reveals the content of the competitive environment, which is constantly undergoing changes. The necessity of carrying out its analysis with mandatory accounting of company's resources is substantiated.The features of the resource-based approach to the analysis of company's competitive environment are considered. These features are as follows: recognition of the primacy and value of economic resources, consideration of their current state and dynamics, identification of systemic links between various environmental factors and their characteristics, coordination and coordination of the internal capabilities of the company with its external conditions. The indicated features reveal the impact of the company's resource provision on strengthening its competitive advantages.Possession of objective information about the competitive environment, obtained through its monitoring and a resource-based approach to its analysis, is the basis for choosing a competitive strategy and a strategy for market adaptation.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):677-690
pages 677-690 views

Development of a market niche assessment algorithm

Tokarev B.E.


The author has developed an algorithm for a comprehensive assessment of the market niche. The main criteria for assessing the niche are defined. These criteria are as follows: market, financial, organizational, managerial and production ones. The market criterion has been studied in detail. A niche market assessment model is proposed. This model is represented by a combination of three types of assessment: general market, consumer and product ones. Models for each type of assessment are proposed; and explanations of the principal approaches to their implementation are given. Niche assessment based on a general market criterion includes research stages at the niche level, at the segment and market level, as well as at the level of industry affiliation. The niche assessment based on the consumer criterion consists of assessments of niche needs, consumer value orientations, consumer behavior and the situation of using a niche product. The niche assessment according to the product criterion contains a set of assessments of the consumer qualities and price of the product, as well as its competitiveness. The analysis of approaches to the implementation of the assessment of existing and potential niches is carried out. For these niches, the principal features contained in the presence of real consumers of existing niches and their absence for potential ones are determined.The algorithm of market evaluation is proposed. It includes a sequence of procedures for studying the market environment, consumers and a niche product. The algorithm describes the conditions for making a decision to refuse to work in a niche or opportunities for its development.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):691-706
pages 691-706 views

Best available technology category: evolution of the concept from environmental modernization to social relevance

Zakondyrin A.E.


The article discusses the problems of implementing the best available technology. The necessity of substantiating an expanded representation of the best available technology in terms of solving many problems related to industrial modernization and eco-oriented development is substantiated. At the present stage of a green economy, the best available technology cannot perform only environmental and technological functions. Clarification of conceptual approaches to the category of the best available technology determines the relevance of the study. The projects on the introduction of the best available technology at metallurgical enterprises are analyzed. As a rule, the accounting documents related to the implementation of the best available technology projects note their technological and environmental efficiency. At the same time, economic efficiency is shown only in fragments. Social, societal, climatic and ideological issues in environmental modernization projects are presented superficially. Often, the implementation of new projects must be coordinated with stakeholders. In this regard, projects of the best available technology can act as a catalyst for increasing the degree of involvement of key stakeholders in decision-making and strengthening control over the implementation of environmental modernization measures of the enterprise. The parameters and types of effectiveness that can be obtained within the framework of environmental modernization of industrial enterprises are determined. The multidirectional nature of the category of the best available technology is revealed. The technological, economic, ecological and climatic, general cultural and ideological aspects related to the implementation of the best available technology projects are detailed.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):707-720
pages 707-720 views

Business reputation of social entrepreneurs as a factor of regional actors' trust

Pashuk N.R., Beloglazova V.A., Varkulevich T.V.


Building mutually beneficial cooperation between regional economic entities is largely determined by the level of trust in the system of relationships. The problem of insufficient importance of factorial trust management is reflected in the absence of reputation management at enterprises of the non-profit sector. Within the framework of this article, the authors analyze the role of the business reputation of social entrepreneurs as a factor in the development of trusting relationships with regional actors. The scientific novelty of the research consists in identifying the approaches to the definition of social entrepreneurship, as well as drawing up a comprehensive scheme reflecting the role of business reputation in managing the value of an organization as a factor of stakeholders' trust. These provisions contribute to the expansion of the theoretical framework for the introduction of reputation management in the activities of social entrepreneurs, which stimulates the growth of the effectiveness of the relationship of these organizations with regional actors. The results of the study may be useful to the heads of non-profit organizations and social entrepreneurs, students and postgraduates interested in the development of economic communications.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):721-732
pages 721-732 views

Normative and legal problems of regulating the agglomeration creation and activity at the regional level

Saveleva N.K., Sozinova A.A., Makarova T.V., Shpengler A.V., Barmina E.A.


The relevance of the research topic is due to the importance of agglomerations for the socio-economic system of the region. Today, agglomerations are becoming not only places of maximum concentration of resources, but also points of attraction of investments, poles of territorial growth. The development of agglomerations is due not only to agglomeration effects, but also to the priorities of regional economic policy and spatial development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. For the functioning of agglomerations, it is necessary to have clear and competent legislative regulation of their activities both at the federal and regional levels. The authors analyze federal and regional legislation establishing the process of creation and functioning of agglomerations, identify the main problems and draw conclusions about the need for further development of legislation in this direction. All this confirms the high relevance of the study. This article is of interest to researchers in the field of regulatory and organizational process of agglomerations in the Russian Federation.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):733-746
pages 733-746 views

Regional investment strategy: concept analysis

Palkina M.V., Sozinova A.A., Saveleva N.K., Palesheva N.V., Fokina O.V., Bespyatyh A.V.


There is no unified approach to the term "regional investment strategy" in Russia. This leads to difficulties in distinguishing between the investment strategic transformation and socio-economic development of the subjects. In this regard, the definition of the concept of "regional investment strategy" is very relevant. The authors analyzed the points of view of Russian scientists and specialists on the the concept of "regional investment strategy". The definitions of "regional investment strategy" in the regulatory and methodological documents of the Russian Federation are revealed. The authors formulated a refined definition of "regional investment strategy". To clarify the concept under study, it is proposed to consider the regional investment strategy as follows.This concept is consistent with the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation. This concept is consistent with the strategy of socio-economic development of the federal district. It is being developed on the basis of and implemented within the framework of the regional socio-economic development strategy. The strategy ensures the achievement of the strategic vision, strategic goals of socio–economic and investment development of the region. The strategy is a comprehensive plan and a planning document containing a system of goals, objectives, principles and activities of region's public authorities, enshrined in the relevant regulatory legal acts.The article may be of interest to scientists and practitioners in strategic planning of territorial development.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):747-766
pages 747-766 views

Cross-cluster model as a promising direction for regional socio-economic development (Kaliningrad case study)

Shalyapina M.A.


The article reveals the prospects for the region's economic development through the implementation of a cross-cluster model, which allows to combine the competencies of participants at the junction of industries and technologies in order to develop new industries. Such a model contributes to the formation of poles of growth on its territory through a number of projects and programs in the formation of stable cross-links.For the Kaliningrad region, this model is relevant in modern conditions of economic constraints, which have had a stronger negative impact on the region's economy than on other regions of the Russian Federation due to the specifics of the geographical location of the Kaliningrad region. This forces to look for new ways of socio-economic development of the region, contributing to more efficient economic development in crisis conditions.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):767-784
pages 767-784 views

Trends in the Russian tourism market against the backdrop of modern information technology

Pleshivtseva A.A.


The authors of the article analyzed the development of the tourist market in Russia, taking into account global technical and technological changes in the global market of the industry that has experienced a pandemic and recession. The relevance of the topic is connected with the deep transformation of tourism and the growing financial interest of state structures. The purpose of the study is to analyze the trends in the development of the Russian tourism market in connection with the integration of the industry, the expansion of spheres of influence and the introduction of new technology in the process of creating tourist products, as well as the appearance of new forms and methods of work that increase competitiveness and profit. An attempt is made to determine the key trends in the development of the Russian tourism market at this historical stage. The main results obtained in solving problems on the way to the studied goal are systematized. This topic may become part of a large fundamental research work on the introduction of innovative technology in the tourism industry in the future, which will reflect materials not only on the positive dynamics of the use of new technology, but also some negative aspects that are associated with the lack of strict confidentiality rules when using automated systems of personal data of consumers and with determining the degree of harm to a person working on computer. This article may be of interest to both theorists and practitioners in the tourism sector.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):785-800
pages 785-800 views

Particularities of the inclusive tourism development in the world: analysis of the world experience in creating an accessible environment for people with disabilities

Almukhamedova O.A., Khanina A.V., Yakimenko M.V.


Currently, there is a change and reorientation of the approach to the development of the tourism industry in the Russian Federation, in particular due to the transition of the country's economy to new standards of quality of life for people with disabilities. The authors determined that the concept of inclusive tourism is not yet generally accepted and contains a large number of aspects characterizing the process of providing tourist services for people with disabilities.A retrospective analysis of the inclusive tourism development in foreign countries is presented, since in European countries, where the percentage of people with disabilities in relation to the total number is much higher than in Russia, the problem of accessibility of facilities for people with disabilities is practically absent. In addition, many foreign countries provide significant measures of state support for citizens with disabilities.Studying the experience of foreign countries allowed the authors to form recommendations that can be used for the development of inclusive tourism in Russia. The article may be of interest both to researchers who deal with the problems of tourism development, and to representatives of the authorities responsible for the development of affordable tourism in the regions of Russia.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):801-814
pages 801-814 views

Modern realities of tourism in the Kamchatka Territory

Protsenko T.G., Rogaleva N.L., Venyaminova L.E.


The article examines modern trends and determines the prospects for the development of the tourism industry of the Kamchatka Territory in the context of anti-Russian sanctions. The authors particularize opportunities in the field of import substitution, aimed at making the regional tourist product the most competitive and attractive for Russian citizens. It seems necessary to determine the impact of today's realities on the development of regional tourism and possible ways of its development in the context of external influences and the ongoing transformation of consumer attitudes. The solution of these problems was facilitated by interviews with representatives of the regional tourism business. An analysis of the chain growth rate of the tourist flow from 2014 to 2021 is made. The number of hotels and sanatorium-resort organizations and recreation organizations in the Kamchatka Territory in 2016-2021 is considered.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):815-826
pages 815-826 views

Developing the market for rail transport services

Stepanenkova N.M., Mukhametshin R.M.


The state of the railway transportation market is considered. Spatial accessibility of the territories of the Russian Federation, export potential, regions' balanced development, the state social and economic stability depend on the level of development of this market. The conducted assessment of the railway transport services market has shown the reasons and constraints hindering the development of the railway transport complex. The analysis of cargo transportation volumes by means of transport is presented. The role of railway transport is particularized. The dynamics of cargo departure and passenger traffic in the context of the districts of the Russian Federation is discussed. The problems of imbalance in infrastructure development are identified. The necessity of prompt solution of the problems of the railway transport services market is proved. Overcoming their negative impact will have a stimulating effect on building new logistics chains, the stability of the transportation market and the sustainable development of the national economy. The directions of development of railway transport include the renewal of infrastructure, the organization of new services, the increase of cargo flows in the eastern direction and the use of digital technology.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):827-838
pages 827-838 views

Comparative analysis of motor vehicle taxation in the Russian Federation and Japan

Shelepova N.V., Sergienko A.S.


Taxes are one of the main sources of income of any state. They play a huge role in ensuring economic development. Japan is one of the most economically developed countries in the world. Nevertheless, it has a somewhat similar tax system to the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study was to compare the features of motor vehicle taxation in the Russian Federation and Japan, which will help to understand the intricacies of motor vehicle taxation in both countries. The authors of the article are trying to answer the following question. Is it possible to apply the methods of Japan's transport taxation in Russia in order to increase economic growth? The trend of greening, which is relevant for countries around the world, was taken into account. Japan is already actively practicing stimulating the purchase of eco–transport using the taxation system. Tax benefits for owners are such incentives. Thus, it would also be interesting for owners of motor vehicles. Since Russia is just entering into the practice of stimulating the purchase of electric vehicles, the Japanese experience would probably have a positive impact on this process.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):839-850
pages 839-850 views

Marketing business modeling for Arctic petroleum product packaging

Yakovleva E.V., Chizhik V.P.


It is necessary to solve economic, organizational and managerial tasks in the field of creation and production of a modifying additive in a polymer composite material for petroleum product packaging and its disposal systems in areas of operation characterized by the specifics of climatic conditions formed by low ambient temperature. The research issues are based on the prerequisites of an ecological nature, and, in particular, the problem of garbage in the form of solid household waste. Metal containers for the transportation and storage of petroleum products (fuels and lubricants, etc.), providing the production and household needs of economic entities and the local population of the Arctic and equated territories, are one of the main sources. The scientific novelty of the conducted marketing research consists in substantiating the market for a modifying additive in a polymer composite material that provides improved performance characteristics of containers for petroleum products intended for the northern territories, as well as in assessing the parameters of this market according to the criteria of capacity and dynamics. The results of the study can be used by developers and manufacturers of containers made of polymer materials, providing an opportunity to diversify into new market segments.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):851-870
pages 851-870 views

System of indicators and performance targets for stakeholders on financing investment projects in the solid waste management

Kandokhova M.M.


In connection with the constant increase in the accumulation of municipal solid waste both in Russia as a whole and in all regions, negative trends arise that adversely affect the socio-economic development of the country and various spheres of society. As a result, there is a need to conduct a comprehensive assessment of various target performance indicators.This will help to solve existing problems and modernize the existing system of state regulation in the field of solid waste management. This, in turn, requires the implementation of high-quality monitoring of the waste accumulation in all regions of our country, taking into account its potential for recycling and processing, since these activities will have to play a key role in the field of solid waste in the near future.The presented article is devoted to the development of a system of indicators and performance targets for the effectiveness of financing investment projects in the municipal solid waste management at different stages of the organizational and technological chain. The proposed system of indicators allows not only to rank synthesized models that require financial support, but also to determine the effectiveness of the entire solid waste financing system, to adopt the right financing strategy in the face of limited investment resources. The developed system of indicators will allow stakeholders to make an economically sound approach to the choice of a financial instrument, investments and financial model, as well as to form the necessary ecosystem. The article will be of interest to all participants coordinating the sphere of waste management.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):871-884
pages 871-884 views

Kamchatka Krai's fisheries sector: performance under current conditions

Protsenko T.G., Rogaleva N.L., Venyaminova L.E.


The authors consider the state of the fisheries sector of Kamchatka Krai both before and after pandemic, as well as at the beginning of the sanctions (2016-2021). The analysis was carried out according to the following indicators: the companies' number, the average annual number of employees, the dynamics of the agribusiness revenue, the financial result of activities (profit and loss), the dynamics of the profitability level of goods sold, products (works and services) (assets by type of economic activity "fishing and fish farming"). Prospects for the development of the fisheries sector amidst modern market transformations and the implementation of the master plan of the capital of Kamchatka are considered. The prerequisites for the creation of a fish cluster in Kamchatka are presented. They are as follows: extraction in the Kamchatka seas of the main volumes of aquatic biological resources of Russia, the traditional specialization of the region in the extraction and processing of aquatic biological resources, the ice-free port of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and the convenient location of the port of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):885-898
pages 885-898 views

Higher education: staffing problems and solutions

Krasnikova A.S., Podolskiy A.G., Beregovskaya E.O.


The article reveals the relationships between a teacher and a student, and their impact on the further employment of graduates. The structure of the educational process and its relationship with organizations that create innovative products is presented. The integral criterion of the student's competence assessment level is presented. Various options for combining soft-skills and hard-skills competencies according to the levels of prospects and attractiveness are presented. The competence assessment matrix is suggested. This tool helps universities statistically understand the key shortcomings in training programs and organize a large-scale transformation to improve the learning environment within the framework of interaction with high-tech companies, as well as analyze each student's level of competence.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):899-916
pages 899-916 views

Strengthening Russia's scientific potential: socio-demographic and economic conditions

Tsyokhla S.Y., Polishchuk E.A., Pochupaylo O.E.


This research is devoted to the study of the problems of ensuring and developing the scientific potential of Russia. The analysis of the current state of staffing, the peculiarities of the training of scientific personnel, the dynamics of the number and changes in the age structure of researchers are analyzed. It is noted that in today's environment it is of utmost importance to ensure and develop the country's scientific potential. The measures of support of the country's scientists carrying out promising research are systematized. It has been established that these measures contribute to the preservation and strengthening of national science, as well as to the implementation of tasks that ensure the strategic development of the country. The impact of digital technology and new approaches to the implementation of scientific research (integration of scientific potential, development of network and other forms of interaction) are considered.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):917-928
pages 917-928 views

Tools for creating an incentive system for the population to improve quality of life

Ustinova O.E.


The problem of motivating the population to improve the quality of life and achieve well-being is one of the key ones. Its contributes to the sustainable development of the country. Considering that different social groups have their own ideas about the ways and forms of life, and the way of life depends on the existing motives for the activity of a particular individual, it is important to generalize the accumulated experience and determine the tools that form the motivation system of the population. The author analyzes of Russian households' disposable resources. Based on the considered approaches to the f motives of individuals, a set of tools for the formation of a system of motivation to improve the quality of life and achieve well-being is proposed. The results of the study may be useful to representatives of public authorities, public organizations, and private business.Funding.The article is based on the results of research carried out at the expense of budgetary funds under the state assignment of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):929-940
pages 929-940 views

Price and quality management in the system of mobilization economy as a condition for assessing socio-economic security

Lev M.Y.


The author of the article explores the interaction of price and quality indicators in the management of companies to maximize income through the use of various product marketing strategies. The author substantiates the actively increasing attention to price-quality indicators during the mobilization economy, not only in the field of trade and competition for the right to sell products to buyers in conditions of real decrease in household income, but also when purchasing food and non-food products at the expense of business funds through tenders held by authorized state authorities. The possibilities of the correlation of costs with the quality and sales of products in the formation of pricing policy as a condition for assessing socio-economic security are considered.The regulatory and legal documents ensuring the quality of products are analyzed. The author pays attention to both the current GOST standards and those canceled for comparison of indicators characterizing the quality of products. The quantitative and qualitative indicators of the authorized bodies in the product quality checks carried out for the period 2012-2021, taking into account the norms of the laws under which the control was carried out, are considered.The results of the study may be in demand in legislative and executive authorities in order to improve quality control of products placed in the state reserve, and the formation of pricing policy in the conditions of the mobilization economy and sanctions pressure.FUNDING.The article has been prepared in accordance with the topic of the state task Reg. No. RD 121030500096-5; Reg. No. ICRBS "New challenges and threats to socio-economic security: measures of budgetary and financial regulation".
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(3):941-966
pages 941-966 views

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