The concept of sustainable competitiveness of industrial clusters in Russia: the main provisions



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Industrial clusters are an important link in the innovative development of the economy, providing favorable conditions for the implementation of projects that comply with the principles of socio-ecological and economic sustainability and the challenges of the Forth Industrial Revolution. In this regard, the relevance and importance of the concept of clusters' sustainable competitiveness in the non-resource sector of the Russian industry, developing the mechanisms of cluster policy and taking into account the priorities of sustainable development, digital transformation and import substitution, increases. The key factors of clusters' successful creation and sustainable development, tasks and priorities of sustainable competitiveness of industrial clusters, strategies and mechanisms of cluster development regulation are considered. The industrial policy of the Russian Federation is aimed at ensuring technological sovereignty and increasing the competitiveness of domestic industry through the implementation of measures in the field of clustering, import substitution and digitalization while respecting the principles of sustainable development.FUNDING:The research was carried out with the financial support of the RFBR within the framework of the scientific project No. 20-010-00550 A "Ensuring sustainable competitiveness of innovative cluster formations in industry in the face of challenges of society 5.0".

Sobre autores

Irina Krakovskaya

Ogarev Mordovia State University



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