Staff training in a modern organization: focus on digitalization



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The article is devoted to the study of personnel training in modern companies of various industry amidst digitalization. The relevance of this topic is determined by the need to identify advanced educational practices, their further development and replication in order to ensure business efficiency through the sustainability of the system for the formation of highly qualified personnel.The conclusion about the digital transformation of corporate personnel training is made.The digital transformation gained momentum during the COVID-19 pandemic and does not slow down in the post-pandemic world. In connection with the active ICT development and the remote form of employment, the entry into the labor market of new generations of employees, the key components of the didactic concept of personnel training are changing. They are as follows: methods of organization, methods, means, content and management tools. The main trends in the development of corporate personnel training in Russia are outlined. Prospects for the development of corporate personnel training in a digital environment are given.The article is of practical interest, since the results of the study can be used by the administration and HR services in order to develop and implement policies and programs for the development of human capital.

Sobre autores

Olga Bryukhova

Ural State University of Railway Transport


Natalya Startseva

Ural State University of Railway Transport



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Declaração de direitos autorais © Bryukhova O.Y., Startseva N.N., 2023

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