Subtle criteria of actors' choice in favor of foreign economic activity



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The impact of global challenges is in the focus of trade and economic cooperation of interacting actors for the development of joint strategies, priority areas and programs for the spatial development for the long term. At the present stage, most of the cross-border areas face problems of cross-border relations and difficulties in choosing the further development of foreign economic activity. The authors summarize the prerequisites and a brief history of the study of export predictors (subtle criteria) that influence the decision-making of the choice in favor of foreign economic activity. The list of blocks and the content of export predictors (subtle criteria) based on the pyramid of company goal-setting focused on the foreign market and mechanisms for converting the cross-border position into a competitive advantage in the changing paradigm of development of Russia's cross-border regions are determined. Based on sociological surveys on the impact of global challenges on the development of foreign economic activity of exporters and importers, constraining factors and new opportunities for trade and economic cooperation, options for behavior strategies of subjects when making decisions on cross-border labor migration and business cooperation are identified.Funding: The reported study was funded by RFBR and FRLC, project number 21-510-23002.

Sobre autores

Galina Khmeleva

Samara State University of Economics


Marina Kurnikova

Samara State University of Economics


Ekaterina Chirkunova

Samara State University of Economics



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