Priority directions in the development of the local market of chemical products in the regional economy



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The article examines the current priority directions in the development of the local market of chemical products, which occupy a significant part of the gross product in the economy of the Crimean region.On the basis of the presented analytical and statistical review of the chemical industry of the Russian Federation as a whole and the Republic of Crimea in particular, the production, territorial and spatial problems of the chemical industry appeared as a result of the sanctions policy, the shortage of imported components and the objective necessity of reorientation to new markets and development of import substitution were identified. The reasons for inhibiting the development of the chemical sphere are revealed; and possible ways and mechanisms of accelerating the development of the chemical industry are suggested.A comparative economic analysis of the chemical industry development in the Russian Federation as a whole and in the Republic of Crimea in particular over the past five years was conducted, and development trends were identified.The characteristics of the local market of chemical products of the Crimean region from the point of view of economic geography and development potential are given.As a result of the research, promising priorities of the local chemical products market in the economy of the Crimean region are formulated. They determine an integrated approach to its development in the current conditions, taking into account economic, environmental and social aspects, measures and mechanisms to achieve the goals.

Sobre autores

Ekaterina Nalivaychenko

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University


Vladislav Kirsenko

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University



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