Achieving investment activity goals of agricultural organizations in the Russian Federation




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Replacement of worn-out machinery and equipment is the main purpose of investments in fixed assets. The growth rates of the full accounting value of fixed assets of agricultural organizations in the country are not large enough.This led to the deterioration of their technical condition and increased wear and tear. Mainly the increasing commissioning of fixed assets of agricultural organizations, the stable excess of the coefficient of renewal of fixed assets over the coefficient of disposal did not significantly reduce the depreciation of fixed assets of agricultural organizations and, in particular, their active part. These active part includes machinery, equipment, and vehicles that make up more than half of the cost of fixed assets. Moreover, it is in the part of machinery and equipment, as well as vehicles, that the highest proportion of completely worn-out fixed assets is traced. The obvious need to intensify investment processes, together with the insufficiency of its own sources of financing and the riskiness of credit financing, predetermines the expansion of state participation in investment processes.


Dmitriy Essaulenko

Novosibirsk State Agrarian University



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