Historical and legal issues of local self-government development local governments in Russia

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The purpose of the study. The article is devoted to historical and legal issues of the development of local self-government in Russia. Approaches to the definition of local self-government are presented. Theories of local self-government that influenced the development of local self-government in the evolution of Russian statehood are being studied. The development of local self-government in Russia is being considered, especially the organization and prospects for the further development of the institution of local self-government within the framework of public power of the Russian state are being shown. The purpose of the study is to study the development of local self-government in historical and co-legal development in Russia. The article uses dialectical, isotorical, formal-legal, logical, comparative-legal and other methods of knowledge. Conclusions. Local self-government at all times of its historical development in Russia was a key factor in the development of democracy and the prospects for the participation of each member of the municipal community in the management of its territory. The totality of all forms of citizen’s participation in making publicly significant decisions will ensure the achievement of the main goal - independent and accountable management of all local affairs. The modern development of local development in Russia would be even more effective if we studied the history of its formation and actively used the positive experience gained.

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About the authors

Alexey R. Eremin

National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogaryov

Email: eralro@mail.ru
Dr. Sci. (Law), Prof.; Head at the De-partment of Theory and History of State and Law Saransk, Republic of Mordoviya, Russian Federation

Viktor V. Grishin

National Research Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogaryov

Email: viktorgrishin1996@yandex.ru
graduate student of the Law Faculty Saransk, Republic of Mordoviya, Russian Federation


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