The Russian World as the traditional basis of the Spiritual culture of Society

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The purpose of the research. The article deals with the origin and development of Russian civilization in the context of the evolution of the spiritual foundations of the Russian world. The author of the article considers the genetic aspects of the formation of the Russian ethno-cultural community as a society developing from the Byzantine and Eastern European origins. The author’s approach in this study is aimed at analyzing the specifics of the institutionalization of the value-cultural dominants of the “Russian world” as a spiritually oriented society of Eurasia, combining the Byzantine, Westernizing and orientalist foundations of social creation. In the modern dynamically changing geocultural space, this is necessary, since it is important to take into account the above-mentioned circumstances of the formation of the Russian society and its cultural and spiritual basis (the Russian world) as a constant indicative constant of the existence of Russians. Results. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that many algorithms of social development of the Russian society in the context of the actualization of the spiritual and cultural foundations of the «Russian world» represent a meaningful potential for balancing modern crisis phenomena of the spiritual plane. The concept of the «Russian world» represents significant trends in the development and complication of the forms of social life of modern man as a factor that stabilizes the spiritual and cultural part of the sociosphere.

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About the authors

Nikita V. Teplykh

Center for Humanities Education, Autonomous Non-profit Organization of Higher Education “Humanitarian Institute”

assistant Moscow, Russian Federation


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