Formal signs of totalitarianism - their positive and negative definition

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This article examines the problems of forming a totalitarian state (political) regime as a form of dictatorship. The author analyzes the features of the scientific study of the totalitarian regime in the works of domestic and foreign researchers. The most important attribute features of the totalitarian regime are revealed, in which its nature is manifested, which is the most important goal of the study. The totalitarian political regime has a long history of existence. It became the subject of special scientific study only in the XX century. In modern scientific literature, it is associated mainly with the ideologies of fascism, communism and Islamism. It is revealed that the totalitarian political regime is a special ideological structure connected with the practice of exercising state power in which violence is an ordinary method of state administration. The ideology of the implementation of state power, its goals and objectives in a totalitarian regime is based on a certain scientific basis. Unlike dictatorship, totalitarianism relies not only on the authority of a particular leader, but also a special scientific methodology of implementation of state power, underlying the country’s existing laws are not associated with the personality of a particular ruler. The unity of the individual, the ruling party and the state is consolidated. Totalitarianism is a complex category of practice of organizing and exercising state power. The mobilization of society’s resources to achieve its development goals at the expense of the interests of various social groups, including representatives of the ruling elite, allows us to achieve significant results in socio-economic development. As a result, Communist regimes enjoyed considerable popularity in the USSR, China, and other countries. But at the same time, the result of the collapse of these regimes is also natural. Inhumanity in achieving the set goals and considering a person not as a subject, but as an object for state power inevitably reduce their popularity.

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About the authors

Olesya S. Makarova

Pushkin Leningrad State University; Institute of history Saint Petersburg state University

lecturer Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation


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