Consular law and consular protection of citizens and legal entities in modern times and their legal basis

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The necessity of writing this article is conditioned by the active development of consular law, which, as part of international law, evolves directly under the influence of world political and economic processes. At the beginning of the twentieth century, an impressive number of consulates operated in Europe, North and South America, Asia, the middle East, and partly in Africa.The legal acts regulating the consular sphere of influence, concluded in Russia in the 19th century, had not only national significance, but also international significance. All adopted conventions, treatises, agreements and charters were elements that form the system of public international law as a whole.With the formation of a new state in the former Russian Empire, it became necessary to adopt a new legal framework regulating consular activities.

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About the authors

Alexander A. Ryazantsev

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

attaché, Consular Department Moscow, Russian Federation


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