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In this article, censorship is studied through political analysis as one of the most efficient defense tools in the information confrontation. For instance, some bans in the entertainment industry do not allow some topics and ideas to leak into the country, but at the same time they also make it impossible to develop some promising industries such as the movie industry that generates huge incomes, offers quality leisure to the population and creates additional jobs. The author considers how censorship in its various manifestations affects the viability of movie industry. In order to achieve that he gives a brief analysis of the film industry in the Soviet Union where movie industry thrived despite of a powerful censorship apparatus. The article also provides an example of the Chinese film industry, which is the second movie industry in the world, even though censorship is an indispensable element of the Chinese film industry regulation. In the final part of the article, the author considers how nowadays Russian state strengthens the administrative mechanisms of the management of the movie industry and how this affects the film market in the country.

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About the authors

Arseniy I. Tumanov


Email: tumanovarsenii@gmail.com


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