Current Trends in the Study, Development and Management of Ethnic Conflicts


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The purpose of this article is to try to identify and analyze problematic issues of the methodology and methodology for studying ethno-national conflict, to characterize political and legal novelties in the field of regulation of ethno-national conflict in Russia and to outline the boundaries and formulate the characteristic features and signs of a “new normality” in the course of the ongoing development of the coronavirus pandemic, will in the long term be a determining factor for the further evolution of ethno-national conflicts, their study and management. For this, a special methodology was formulated, which includes the principles of systemic, theoretical-cognitive, institutional, instrumental and interdisciplinary approaches, mediated by the accepted in social science ideas about the relationship and interaction of subjective and objective factors in social processes with the relative independence of the subject. She allowed to achieve the following results: With regard to the methodological problems of theoretical and applied study of the ethno-national, a complex paradigm for the study of ethno-national conflicts was formed and it was established that in the modern English-language discourse there is a transition from the study of conflicts as phenomena in the system of ethno-national relations to their qualification as inter-religious; political novelties in the system of national relations of the modern Russian state are analyzed and characteristics of the current law enforcement in the system of ethno-national relations in Russia are given; the characteristic of the “new normalcy”, which is forming today in the course of the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, is given, conclusions are drawn regarding the crisis and post-crisis transformation of ethno-national conflicts and approaches to their resolution in the post-pandemic era. The conclusions of the work are as follows: ethno-national conflicts are an objectively cognizable phenomenon; their scientific understanding and analysis require the formation of an integrated (polyparadigmatic) approach. Political novelties in the system of interethnic relations in modern Russia (National Security Strategy) indicate that the country’s leadership pays great attention to these issues. At the same time, the law enforcement practice, being, on the one hand, established in the criminal and administrative spheres in the civil law sphere, shows us the ill-considered actions of some subjects. With regard to ethno-national conflicts in the course of a pandemic and post-pandemic new normalcy, it should be stated that they will not disappear anywhere and, on the contrary, may acquire new forms, which will have to be promptly and adequately responded to.

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Sobre autores

Andrey Kuriukin

Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Cand. Sci. (Polit.); senior researcher at the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Institute of Sociology Moscow, Russian Federation


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