Investments in medicine in the Russian model of healthcare financing: Problems and solutions


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The article deals with the issues of financing of domestic health care. In the context of historical development, the way of formation and development of public health in Russia is shown. Based on statistical data, it is established that the situation with the financing of health care does not meet all its needs, and the annual cost of medicine per person is twice less than in the least developed European countries. A comparative analysis of the ways of financing health care in European countries is carried out, as a result of which the positive and negative aspects are highlighted in the budget model of health care, inherent in England and Sweden, and the insurance model used in most other European countries. Separately, the features of financing Russian medicine, which is expressed in the multi-channel budget-insurance model, are considered. The disadvantages of this type of financing are noted. Data on the lack of investments in healthcare, as well as the reasons for this, are presented. Investment risks in the healthcare sector are highlighted. Materials and methods. The study is based on the analysis of the current legislation in the field under consideration and scientific publications containing different points of view on the problem under study. General scientific methods of analysis and synthesis were used, as well as such special disciplinary methods as formal-legal, comparative-legal and historical. Conclusions. The most important task facing the industry is to increase investment activity, which can only be solved by creating favorable conditions for private investors, since taking into account the systematic economic crises and political pressure, public funds for medicine are clearly not enough. But it is necessary to solve the issues of creating favorable conditions for attracting investment in the healthcare sector by changing the system of financing domestic medicine.

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Sobre autores

Yurii. Shpinev

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Cand. Sci. (Law); senior researcher at the Sector of Business and Corporate Law Moscow, Russian Federation


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