Invention of Traditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Aspect of Ethnic Identity



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The article analyzes the reasons for the invention of new traditions during the formation of independent Kazakhstan. The author relied on a constructivist approach in the study of ethnic processes. The theory of constructivism assumes that the ethnos is an artificial formation, the result of the creation and activity of the people themselves. The author has established the relationship between the mythologization of history, the invention of traditions and the creation of a national state. Different interpretations of common historical events lead to the birth of historical myths, which later turn into “memory wars” between nations. The invented traditions are used in solving collective tasks. The author comes to the conclusion that traditional institutions, which are the legacy of past eras, play a significant role in the life of modern Kazakhstan. Often, many open “Kazakh” traditions are relatively new, at least in the form in which they were introduced after independence, which is why we are talking about “invented traditions”. Mythologized history educates citizens as heirs of a great and strong nation. Invented traditions also contribute to strengthening these views. Ethnicity drives people’s actions and gives them a sense of life. Belief in a long common history strengthens and legitimizes ethnic ties of Kazakhs. The invented traditions are used in solving collective tasks.

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Sobre autores

Manarbek Kabaziyev

Ural Federal University named after B.N. Yeltsin

Autor responsável pela correspondência
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2285-3421

seeking the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences

Rússia, Yekaterinburg


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