Dynamics and Tendencies of Crimes Against the Normal Development of Minors and the Correct Functioning of the Family (Regional Aspect)




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The article highlights current trends in the development of crimes committed against the normal development of children and adolescents and against the institution of the family. The disclosure of the system is given, the growth of the considered type of criminal act is described. In addition, examples and views of modern scientists, and legislative reflection of situations are given. The author analyzes the system, structure and dynamics of the types of crime under consideration. The analysis is based on statistical data for the Republic of Dagestan and the Russian Federation as a whole. It is noted that every year more than 200 thousand crimes are committed against minors and their normal development, and the share of crime is 2.6% of the total number of crimes. The analysis carried out establishes the fact of an increase in committed crimes against the institution of the family and minors. This leads to the conclusion that there are unfavorable trends in the development of crime and, it should be noted, that there is a criminal prevalence in relation to minor children and adolescents. The conducted research confirms the presence of the following signs of crime: growth, high latency, increase in the severity of criminal attacks, the predominance of their group character. More than half of the experts participating in our survey call the criminal activity of minors one of the characteristic features inherent in the current situation in the field of law and order. Similar coverage is also manifested in the criminality of minors who have committed antisocial acts. The article also mentions foreign experience in crime prevention.




Zaira Khanova

Dagestan State University of National Economy (DSUNE)

Email: zairka83@mail.ru
Cand. Sci. (Law); associate professor at the Department of Criminal law Makhachkala, Russian Federation


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