Subjective Public Law as a Constitutionally Conditioned Prerequisite for Judicial Protection of Citizens’ Rights in Administrative Process in the Federal Republic of Germany




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The article considers the issues of constitutional regulation of judicial protection of the rights of citizens in the administrative process of the Federal Republic of Germany, presents the concept and meaning of subjective public law. It is noted, in particular, that subjective public law recognizes the citizen as a subject of law, gives him the right, in order to pursue their interests, to independently demand compliance with the law from the public authority, and thus determines the key way the legal relations that develop between the citizen and the state, ensuring their equality in court. The existence of subjective public right of a citizen is a necessary prerequisite for the admissibility of an administrative action.




Dimitri Olejnik

St. Petersburg State University of Economics

doctoral student, Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


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