New media in the digital reality



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The article examines the problem of the dependence of the articulation of civil society interests and their satisfaction on the quality of non-state media, their development, the degree of independence. Now that something has caught on electronic information and communication technologies (ICT), traditional media began to seek for their niche in the digital reality, and now almost all of them have analogues in the latter. At the same time, the digital reality itself has led to the emergence of new media and communication channels, which have become to a certain extent competitors for traditional media. The emergence of digital ICT has led not only to a change in the technologic aspect of the media functioning, but also to their content changes (the emergence of new forms, styles of material presentation, for example, infotainment, etc.). The goal of the research is to uncover by means of politological analysis the prerequisites for the formation, forms and role of new media, their correlation with traditional media, as well as to uncover trends in the development of new media and traditional media in the digital reality. The results achieved: 1. The prerequisites for the formation, forms and role of new media (including in influencing on civil society) in the digital reality are uncovered. 2. The correlation of new media with traditional media is determined from the legal viewpoint, as well as from the point of view of theoretic understanding. 3. Public-opinion polls showing a fairly high level of trust and positive assessment of the role of the media in the modern life of society are analyzed. 4. The results of ratings indicating the great potential of traditional media in the Network are analyzed. 5. The advantages and risks of using the Network for traditional media and new media are determined. 6. Changes and trends in the development of new media and traditional media in the digital reality are identified.




Maria Ilyicheva

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science «Institute of Socio-Political Research - Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences»

аpplicant Moscow, the Russian Federation


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