Protest Activity of the Population and its Dependence on the Standard of Living: Institutional and Sociocultural Aspect



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Within the framework of this article, an attempt has been made to study the protest activity of the population of the Russian Federation from the point of view of the existing institutionally, dimorphism of development, social and cultural contradictions. The article shows that the growth of protest activity is not directly related to the low standard of living of the population. On the contrary, high protest activity can be traced in those social strata, in those countries and states where the standard of living, quality of life, or the level of well-being of the population is relatively high, which allows protesting active citizens to openly and publicly express their position of disagreement with the policy of the state, with the actions of economic or other actors. Based on the generalization of materials and statistical data, the article proposes three patterns of protest behavior that have developed among Russian citizens: condemnation of the protest and its avoidance; solidarity with the protest; open support for the protest and active protest behavior. Each behavioral pattern is given its own sociocultural description, built into the established institutional context. It is shown that resistance to change can be directly associated with condemnation of protest, while the philosophy of economic and social freedom, globalization and open borders, technologization of life can be associated with solidarity with protest or its open and public expression. The results obtained can be used for further research in the field of institutional and sociocultural features of the protest behavior of Russian citizens.




Mikhail Dudin

Market Economy Institute of RAS

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor; Deputy Director Moscow, Russian Federation


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