Digitalization in the trends of legal regulation and law enforcement at the present stage



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The purpose of the research presented in this article is to study the prospects for the development of legal institutionalization of digital technologies in the context of public policy. This involves solving such research tasks as analyzing international requirements and trends in the legal regulation of digital processes and law enforcement, identifying problems and prospects of legal regulation in the context of digitalization, as well as describing trends in the development of law enforcement practice in the context of digitalization. The study made it possible to note a number of conclusions. The author notes that international requirements and trends in the legal regulation of digital processes and law enforcement create standards for the introduction of information technologies in public administration and the economy. Improving the competitiveness of domestic jurisdictions is one of the areas that reflect the effectiveness of measures to introduce digital technologies applied at the national level. Identification of problems and perspectives of legal regulation in the conditions of digitization has allowed the author to note that in the current circumstances, it is evident the further development of the recognition of digital technologies and actions as legal facts, identification of subjects, bases and procedure for the implementation of subjective rights and legal obligations in the information environment. It is emphasized that in the future it is necessary to solve questions about intellectual property, the legal status of artificial intelligence as an object of legal relations. As trends in the development of law enforcement practice in the context of digitalization, it is noted that we should expect the continuation of measures to digitalize legal proceedings, which require organizational decisions, including identification of the parties to the process, certification of credentials, obtaining certified judicial acts remotely. In the sphere of activity of Executive authorities, the introduction of electronic methods of exercising power for the provision of state and municipal services, as well as the implementation of state and municipal functions, continues.




Denis Shepelev

Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL); Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Financial University)

Cand. Sci. (Law); associate professor at the Department of Theory of State and Law; associate professor of the Department of International and Public Law of the Faculty Moscow, Russian Federation


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