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Objective. Тo evaluate the cost effectiveness of different diagnostic variants of tuberculosis (TB) among the HIV-infected population. Materials and methods. An analytical model constructing a decision tree during a two-year time horizon was elaborated to estimate the cost effectiveness of different diagnostic algorithms for active TB among the people living with HIV(PVH) in the cohorts with a suppression level of <200, 200-499 and >500 cells/μl Three algorithms: Basic (the sequence of standard TB diagnostic stages in the Russian Federation; Addition (The basic one is added by Gene Xpert MBT/Rif; and Replacement (only Gene Xpert MBT/Rif) were analyzed. Results. 1. The Addition algorithm in the cohort of patients with CD4+ lymphocyte counts of <200 cells/μl makes it possible to additionally identify 8 TB patients per 1000 HIP and to significantly increase the number of effectively cured patients, including those with baseline rifampicin resistance; the structure of costs shows a preponderance of treatment charges. In the cohort of patients with CD4 + lymphocyte counts of 200-499 and >500 cells/μl, the Addition algorithm permits one to initiate therapy with consideration for rifampicin resistance in the majority of patients, to effectively cure one more patient in each cohort, and to additionally prevent a 0.5 fatal outcome during an intensive phase. The structure of costs displays a predominance of diagnostic charges. 2. The Replacement algorithm can significantly increase the number of diagnostic omissions at any level of the immune status. 3. The lowest cost effectiveness ratios correspond to the Basic algorithm in all the cohorts. Conclusion. The inclusion of Gene Xpert MBT/Rif in the TB diagnostic algorithm is clinically and cost effective in the cohort of patients with CD4 + lymphocyte counts of <200 cells/μl The use of Gene Xpert MBT/Rif as a standard Replacement TB diagnostic algorithm cannot be considered alternative to the Basic algorithm as this may result in an increase in the number of diagnostic omissions at any level of the immune status. Focusing only on the cost-effectiveness ratio may give rise to the loss of chance of increasing the number of identified and effectively cured patients.





Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS and Communicable Diseases

Saint Petersburg


Research Institute of Childhood Infections, Federal Biomedical Agency

Saint Petersburg


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