卷 4, 编号 5 (2016)



Konovalov D., Shevchuk O., Logvinenko L., Khamilo A.


Artemisia annua is an herblike annual plant which has been used in Chinese folk medicine for more than 2,000 years. In 1970-s sesquiterpene lactones of artemisinin was isolated from the aboveground part of this plant. Today it is the most efficient known natural and synthetic compound for malaria treatment.The purpose of the study was the review of the information from the open sources about the study for sesquiterpene lactones of Artemisia annua referring to its pharmacological activity.Methods. The study was carried out using informational and search engines (PubMed, ScholarGoogle), library databases (eLibrary, Cyberleninca), and the results of our own researches.Results. It was established that apart from the essential oil and phenolic compounds, aboveground part of Artemisia annua, it contains a significant amount of sesquiterpene lactones. Qualitative content and quantitative composition of sesquiterpene lactones varies depending on the ecological and geographic factors, plants growing phase, cultivation technology, drying methods etc. Well-known pharmacological studies of the extracts from Artemisia annua herb with sesquiterpene lactones, as well as individual compounds of this group characterize this type of raw materials as a perspective source for more profound research.Conclusion. Our analysis of the open materials on the sesquiterpene lactones of Artemisia annua, including phytochemical and pharmacological ones, allows characterization of the Artemisia annua herb as a perspective source for new drugs working out.
Pharmacy & Pharmacology. 2016;4(5):4-35
pages 4-35 views


Stepanova E., Shirzad B., Evseeva S.


Rhodiola rosea is one of the most popular adaptogene agents. Apart from adaptogene, it has the whole range of other pharmaceutical properties: antioxidant, nootropic, antidepressant, immunomodulatory, and other. Russian industry manufactures liquid extract of Rhodiola rosea, as well as food BAS based on the Rhodiola rosea, but there are no dosage forms for external use.The purpose of this work is to analyze scientific information about general characteristics of the pharmacological activity and possible use of Rhodiola rosea in external drugs and cosmetics.Methods. The following resources were used for general characteristic of Rhodiola rosea, its pharmacological properties, particularly the usage of Rhodiola rosea in medical and cosmetic practices, as well prospects of its external use: eLIBRARY, PubMed, Cyberleninca, ResearchGate, information from manufacturers and dealers web-pages.Results. Rhodiola drugs are considered prospective agents for depressions therapy, Parkinson disease treatment, memory, attention defects, for arrhythmia prevention, stamina increase, and stress level decrease in sport and space medicine, for acceptability and efficiency improvement of chemo- and radiotherapy, as immunostimulatory agent. Nowadays in the Russian Federation Rhodiola rosea liquid extract is used as a tonic agent and is prescribed for over-fatigue in healthy persons, and for the sick, weakened as the result of a long-term treatment. Literature has sufficient amount of data about possible effect of biologically active substances of Rhodiola rosea at external use: antioxidant and antimicrobial, bleaching, UV-protective, metabolism stimulating.Conclusion. Thus, the data obtained give evidence about the prospect of Rhodiola use in cosmeceutics and prove the experience of its traditional use for withering and fat skin treatment, as well as acne.
Pharmacy & Pharmacology. 2016;4(5):36-62
pages 36-62 views


Serebryanaya F., Geonya I., Alieva K.


Introduction. Study for raw sources of a phytogenesis to obtain biological active substances with expressed pharmacological activity, attracts undoubted interest for the development of modern pharmaceutics.Objective. To carry out a comparative morphological and anatomical research of two types of Filipendula species: Filipendula vulgaris Moench. and Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim., which grows in the North Caucasus.Methods. Samples of fresh-gathered plants were gathered (June, 2014-2015) in various areas of the North Caucasus to carry out a comparative micromorphological research (Pyatigorsk, a southwest slope of the mountain Mashuk, the open site of a meadow, Lermontov, the southern slope of Beshtau, an open meadow, KBR, the gorge of Bezengi, the right bank of Cherek Bezengiysky River, an inundated meadow, KBR, Dzhylysu Natural Boundary, a subalpine meadow), and also herb samples of a herbarium fund of department of botany and a pharmacognosy of the Pyatigorsk medico-pharmaceutical institute were taken. Studying of features of a micromorphological structure of both vegetative, and generative bodies of two types was carried out by reference techniques of microscopic and histochemical researches. Photography of fragments of a micromorphological structure of bodies was carried out by means of BIOMED-2 microscope with a photo of Digital microscope camera DMC-300.Results and discussion. Comparative morphological and anatomical researches of two types of the Filipendula species were conducted: Filipendula vulgaris Moench. and Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim., which in the North Caucasus. Signs of distinctions of micromorphological features which allow carrying out diagnostics of medicinal vegetable raw materials were revealed. Distinctive features are the anomocytic stomata, trichomes in the form of the lengthiest straight lines and arched monocelled hairs, a form of a stalk and a scape on a transverse section, existence of omission of a scape and stalk, quantity and an arrangement of conductive bunches in a stalk and a scape of a leaf. The conducted researches are a fragment complex the pharmacognostical and ecological and biological researches of perspective resource species of the North Caucasus flora.
Pharmacy & Pharmacology. 2016;4(5):63-80
pages 63-80 views


Voronkov A., Terekhov A., Dyakova I., Kuleshova S., Avramenko N., Zatsepina E., Pozdnyakov D.


Contemporary therapeutic approaches offer a wide range of laxative agents, which are often used without a control, exceeding the regime recommended. Therefore, the comparative study for subchronic toxicity of both drugs from this group (Vaseline oil and Glycelax) appears interesting.The aim of the study was the comparison of a toxic influence of 14-days application of the drugs under study.Methods. The drugs were studied in two doses: higher therapeutic, and toxic, which 10 times exceeds therapeutic dose. We used “Polispektr-8/B” electrocardiograph, BC 2800vet (Mindray) hematologic veterinary analyzer, BS-380 (Mindray) biochemical analyzer, CL-50 urine analyzer. After the animals autopsy we determined organs’ coefficient (heart, lungs, spleen, liver, stomach, kidneys, adrenals).Results. While studying the ECG of female rats, amplitude of R wave increased after they got Glycelax in both doses. Female rats who got Vaseline oil this index decreased at minimum dose and increased at maximum dose. After Glycelax application, male rats had an increased activity of alanine aminotransferase. After Vaseline oil application at maximum dose, female rats had alkaline phosphatase activity lowered. Female rats, which got a maximum dose of Vaseline oil had a total protein lowered. Glycelax at maximum dose increased the content of bilirubin and its fractions in male and female rats, while Vaseline oil application at maximum dose increased the content of bilirubin in female rats. Male rats which got Glycelax had hemoglobin and hematocrit level increased.Conclusion. At long-term application of Vaseline oil, animals of both genders had heart disorders with possible development of arrhythmia, hepatotoxic effect, lipid exchange dysfunction. After excessive use of Glycelax the above mentioned is added with possible hemoglobin and rheological blood properties level decrease.
Pharmacy & Pharmacology. 2016;4(5):81-89
pages 81-89 views
