Subjective well-being in the academic sphere: gender aspect



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The article examines the gender aspects of subjective well-being (SWB)) of academic staff. Theoretical approaches to the gender problems of modern society, in particular in work, and their connection with subjective well-being are analyzed. The methodological construct of assessing the subjective well-being of academic staff in Russian universities is based on the the principles of taking into account the set of determinants of subjective well-being when specifically considering a group of professional factors in a gender perspective, the difference between subjective and objective assessment of subjective well-being and the allocation of affective components (the ratio of positive and negative emotions, a sense of happiness) and cognitive components (value-semantic attitudes, perception of the quality of life, assessment of the professional sphere). The results of a standardized online survey of academic staff in Russian federal universities (356 respondents - employees of 10 federal universities) were used as the information base of the study. The relationship between the level of happiness and job satisfaction, social support and the availability of free time for academic staff of different genders was found. Income turned out to be an insignificant factor of subjective well-being for academic staff. Differences in the explanation of the level of happiness were found. The subjective well-being of academic staff, including its gender aspects, can become an essential factor in the strategic management of human capital of higher education.

Sobre autores

Darya Shchetinina

South Federal University


Lyudmila Skachkova

South Federal University



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