Peculiarities of regulating social and labor relations of young people in the PRC



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In the context of the systemic socio-economic crisis, accelerating the integration of the PRC into global political and economic processes and increasing the pressure of globalization, the task of building a society of innovation and determining effective trajectories, as well as the likely contours of modernization of all spheres of government, is on the agenda. This will allow China to become one of the most highly developed countries and increase the country's ranking position in the dynamically changing global structure of the world.In this context, transformational changes in social and labor relations have a high level of relevance. Their regulation has a distinctly situational and sometimes social character. The modernization effects of social and labor relations extend not only to the labor market but also determine the ability of society to introduce technological advances, reproduce the desired qualitative parameters of the workforce and form productive models of labor behavior. Innovation is the identifier and condition for the modernization of social and labor relations; and youth is a conductor of innovative development.The experience of China can be useful for understanding the differences between the social and labor relations of young people in China and in Russia. However, this topic remains little studied in Russia. This justifies the choice of the topic of this article.This article solves the actual problem of studying the peculiarities of regulating social and labor relations of young people in China. The article will be of interest to students of higher educational institutions in the preparation of professional personnel in the field of human capital management and the adaptation of labor resources to modern labor market requirements.

Sobre autores

Chzhenchi Chzhan

Saint Petersburg State University of Economics



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