Criteria for evaluating team performance in sales


Дәйексөз келтіру

Толық мәтін

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат ақылы немесе тек жазылушылар үшін


The article is devoted to the study of the features and specifics of working in a team in the direction of sales. The research purpose was to identify the labor productivity criteria in team-type activities. The author carried out an analysis of the role of human capital for teamwork in the context of a crisis of market development in the sales system. The main criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the team's work are determined. A brief literature review devoted to the influence of human capital on the effectiveness of new entrepreneurial teams has been carried out. The author solves the following scientific problem. The quality of the team's work in the sales department affects not only the sellers' salary, but also the company's profit and the main goal achievement. It would seem that you need to hire highly qualified specialists, and they will do everything themselves. But in reality, you need to build an effective and efficient department, which is quite a difficult task. First of all, you need to decide what indicators are expected from the department and how to measure them. The results of the study can be applied in the development of a sales department strategy.

Негізгі сөздер

Авторлар туралы

Yaroslav Gusev

Moscow International Academy


Әдебиет тізімі

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© Gusev Y.N., 2023

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