Legal Protection in the Implementation of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control: Looking for a Balance of Interests




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This article provides an analysis of the legal protection of controlled persons in the implementation of control and supervisory measures. The authors comprehensively considered legal protection in the implementation of control and supervisory activities, as a set of legal and organizational means to maintain a balance of private and public interests. However, due to the insufficient legal formalization of the legal categories “public” and “private” interests, the prevailing importance in determining their content is assigned to the discretion of the court when making certain decisions. The authors conclude that the determination of the balance of participants in the control and supervisory relations clearly hinges on the regulation of the peculiarities of the implementation of the legal status of subjects of private and public law




Olga Rogacheva

Voronezh State University

SPIN 代码: 8135-4517

doctor of law, assistant professor, professor

俄罗斯联邦, 1, University Square, 394018 Voronezh

Yulia Nosova

Voronezh State University

SPIN 代码: 1894-3535

candidate of legal sciences, associate professor eLibrary

俄罗斯联邦, 1, University Square, 394018 Voronezh


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