Russian Journal of Legal Studies (Moscow)

Interdisciplinary, scientific and practical journal for a wide range of authors and readers, specialists from various fields of knowledge and branches of law. The main goal of the journal is to unite the views of lawyers representing various branches of law, as well as economists, philosophers, political scientists, sociologists and cultural scientists on general and topical problems of Russian and foreign legal science and practice.

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卷 11, 编号 2 (2024)



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Trending topic

Blood Revenge as a Form of Social Defense in Ancient and Medieval Societies
Sorokina Y.

This article examines the institution of blood feuds as a form of retribution and early criminal punishment. It elucidates the reasons and conditions for the emergence of blood feuds and their role in stabilizing society. This article explores the specific features of blood feud procedures among different cultures, including the Jews, Slavs, and Germanic people, particularly focusing on who had the right to commit blood feuds and against whom they could be directed. Finally, the article analyzes the decline of blood feuds due to the establishment of a state monopoly on punishment.

Russian Journal of Legal Studies (Moscow). 2024;11(2):7-14
pages 7-14 views
Phenomenology of Legal Conflict
Skorobogatov A., Krasnov A.

This study aims to generate scientifically-based knowledge about the essential features of a legal conflict and its nature using phenomenological methodology. It relies on axiological studies of law existence and phenomenological interpretations of the life of law.

This study analyzes interpretations of legal conflict in terms of foreign general sociology and domestic law conflictology. Attention is drawn to the ambiguity in the scope of the category under research — ranging from a purely normative version exclusively indicating a clash of interests in law regulation to broader interpretations that imply conflict over relevant benefits. In this study, several possible fields of legal conflict were identified: contradictions between law consciousness and the content of real law relations, law ideas and elements of law relations, and value orientations and legal requirements. A legal conflict is defined as a contradiction between subjects of law regarding the implementation, application, violation, or interpretation of the rules of positive law caused by the antagonism of their social and legal interests, as well as differences in attitudes toward the rules of law and legal values.

This study differentiates between legal conflict and dispute. The essence of the conflict is considered in ontological, epistemological, and axiological aspects. The essential feature of a legal conflict is its mixed nature, which combines objectivity and subjectivity. The conflict is explained as an intersubjective category, due to the relative nature of the legal conflict and the dependence of its occurrence, course, and resolution on the positions of the participating entities as well as the competent entity designed to resolve it. A legal conflict presupposes the impossibility of realizing the interests of subjects of law relations when obstacles arise that require overcoming through law. Additionally, the conflict is procedural and extensive and goes through several stages discussed in the work. A legal conflict is directly related to the phenomenon of social anomie, which implies uncertainty: the presence of obstacles to satisfying the interests of the conflict subjects requires a clearer definition of boundaries in their subjective rights, powers, and legal obligations. Overcoming legal conflicts presupposes a high readiness of society not only for conflict but also for compromise actions.

Russian Journal of Legal Studies (Moscow). 2024;11(2):15-28
pages 15-28 views

Theoretical and historical legal sciences

Bondage as a Special Type of Loan Agreement in Russia
Kuzmin M.

This article examines the legal institution of service bondage, which was prevalent in 15th–17th century Russia. It explores the borrowed nature of this phenomenon and traces the evolutionary development of social relations in lending and usury. Justification for the rationale for the formation, development, and eventual disappearance of the institution of service bondage was provided. Additionally, the article reviews the most prominent approaches to understanding this phenomenon within the scientific community.

Russian Journal of Legal Studies (Moscow). 2024;11(2):29-36
pages 29-36 views

Public law

Impact of Digital Technologies on Implementing Individual Elements of the Tax Structure
Ivanova V.

This article examines the implementation of various elements of the legal tax structure in the context of advancing digital technologies. It systematically analyzes how digital technologies are applied to specific tax elements in contemporary tax practices.

Russian Journal of Legal Studies (Moscow). 2024;11(2):37-41
pages 37-41 views
Problems and Experience in Reforming the Taxation of the Digital Economy: the Case of the People’s Republic of China
Seliutina T.

The issues of tax administration, the taxation of intangible assets, and tax collection are pertinent to almost every national economy, and they are becoming even more complex with rapid digitalization. Alongside these challenges of old contradictions and the emergence of new challenges, the modern economy structure also offers opportunities enabled by advanced digital solutions. This article examines the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) experience researching and addressing taxation problems in the context of rapid digitalization. Three components of the digital economy, which are characteristic of any country, have been identified: the information and communications industry, traditional industries, and digital management. The main tax collection problems in the PRC economy, which is actively transitioning to the digital stage of development, are summarized. The opinions of Chinese researchers on reforming the country’s tax system were studied, and principles for building such a system in the new realities were compiled based on their insights. A situation is developing in Russia that is similar to China’s, enabling a more active exchange of experience between the two countries and, to a certain extent, the synchronization of taxation systems in the digital sphere to strengthen economic cooperation between China and the Russian Federation.

Russian Journal of Legal Studies (Moscow). 2024;11(2):43-49
pages 43-49 views
Features of the Statutory Regulations of Subsidies Provided for in Article 78 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation
Mardasova М.

This article addresses the statutory regulations for subsidies granted to legal entities and entrepreneurs that produce goods, works, and services. It draws attention to the fact that Article 78 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation forms the basis for this regulation, setting out the general objectives for providing these subsidies and listing the regulatory legal acts that govern specific cases, conditions, and procedures for their provision. The legal regulation of these issues is crucial in law enforcement practice because violations of the terms and procedures for providing subsidies can lead to legally established negative consequences. The article notes that in recent years, there has been a trend toward the unification of subsidy provision rules, with the Government of the Russian Federation playing a key role in this development..

Russian Journal of Legal Studies (Moscow). 2024;11(2):51-56
pages 51-56 views

Private law

Implementation of the Employer’s Authority through the Lens of Law Enforcement Practice
Linets A.

The exercise of the employer’s authority is closely intertwined with the bearing of entrepreneurial risk. Crucially, the rule that an employee’s position should not be worsened prohibits transferring this risk to employees. However, realizing this rule is challenging when employers choose between alternative legal constructions, each compliant with the "letter" of the law, to mediate managerial decisions. This article aims to identify restrictions on employers’ use of legal constructions that contradict the goals, objectives, and principles of labor legislation. It analyzes court practices concerning the prohibition of shifting entrepreneurial risk to employees within the context of business platformization, the nonlinkage of urgency in relations with counterparts to employment relations, and the interplay between remuneration and labor discipline. Additionally, it examines the "competition" between alternative legal constructions for terminating employment contracts due to unsatisfactory test results or disciplinary breaches. The study concludes that there is a trend in law enforcement practice to evaluate the competition of legal constructs based on their purposes and procedural safeguards provided to employees. Thus, labor legislation and law enforcement practice establish boundaries for exercising employer authority. The findings can inform the implementation and application of labor law.

Russian Journal of Legal Studies (Moscow). 2024;11(2):57-69
pages 57-69 views
Some Problems of the Legal Regime of Transactions with Shares of a Limited Liability Company
Lakoba A.

This article explores the legal dynamics of transactions involving shares of limited liability companies’ authorized capital. It identifies several problematic aspects of such transactions that arise from legislative restrictions on both private and public law. Additionally, this article analyzes legal regulations concerning the notarial forms of these transactions and examines the role of notaries in the execution and registration of these transactions.

Russian Journal of Legal Studies (Moscow). 2024;11(2):71-76
pages 71-76 views
Criterion for Differentiating the Principle of Equality of Citizens before Courts and the Principle of Equality of Arms in Action
Galuzina K.

This article addresses the issue of conflicting the principle of equality of citizens before the courts and the principle of equality of arms in action, using enforcement proceedings as an example. This confusion may arise from the inability to support these principles with constitutional backing, given that enforcement proceedings are not stages of legal proceedings. Conversely, the independence of these principles is confirmed by the doctrine and legislation of procedural branches of law, where they are recognized as distinct. In this context, this article seeks to identify general criteria for differentiating between the principle of equality of citizens before courts and the principle of equality of arms in action. This article concludes with two criteria: the specific characteristics of equal parties that do not relate to advantages or discrimination in their legal status and the procedural status of parties compared within each principle.

Russian Journal of Legal Studies (Moscow). 2024;11(2):77-82
pages 77-82 views
The Exemption From Duty of Proof: Institutional Framework
Denisova N.

The fundamental importance of the category «legal institution» not only for legal science, but also for practice determines the relevance of conducting research aimed at systematizing and categorizing legal phenomena. In the field of civil procedural law, one of such phenomena is exemption from proof, the issue of independence of which has not been resolved in the procedural doctrine. In this regard, the author, based on general theoretical research, reveals the concept of a legal institution and explores the legal regulation of the grounds for exemption from evidence in civil proceedings, paying special attention to the relationship of the rules on exemption from duty of proof with other institutions and categories of civil proceedings.

Based on the results of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to identify a set of norms dedicated to exemption from evidence as an independent institution.

Russian Journal of Legal Studies (Moscow). 2024;11(2):83-89
pages 83-89 views

Criminal law

Law Regime of Foreign Evidence
Shevelev I.

This article examines legislative regulations concerning the admissibility of foreign evidence. It focuses on the criteria for accepting such evidence and compares evidence obtained within Russia with that obtained in other jurisdictions. Additionally, this article analyzes the challenges associated with recognizing data as foreign evidence.

Russian Journal of Legal Studies (Moscow). 2024;11(2):91-96
pages 91-96 views

International Criminal Law

Theory and Practice of Mixing Procedural Models in the Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court
Pechegin D.

INTRODUCTION. In the context of the active development of information technologies and their integration into the main models of judicial proceedings, the functions and role of the court in considering a criminal case on its merits have become a highly relevant topic of modern science. On one hand, many scientists have focused on strengthening the adversarial nature of legal proceedings, ensuring a balance of power between the parties, and building mechanisms to guarantee the right to judicial protection. However, legal proceedings that do not pursue any normatively fixed goals lead to excessive formalism, as the adversarial system remains the only proven method for establishing the circumstances of a case. This approach does not fully align with the principles of justice and fairness in the final verdict. The International Criminal Court (ICC) embodies a scientific approach to solving the problem of combining various forms of legal proceedings and ensuring a balance of power between the parties, partly by assigning an active role to the court and aiming to achieve truth in the process. The ICC’s criminal process results from scientific modeling that considers identified doctrinal trends. The high degree of commonality in the approaches of leading lawyers within the Rome Statute of the ICC suggests their universality. This article explores the theoretical and practical aspects of combining process models in the ICC Trial Chamber activities.

MATERIALS AND METHODS. The methodological basis of this article comprises general scientific and special methods for understanding legal phenomena and processes in the field of international criminal procedure. These include the method of system-structural analysis, the formal logical method, the method for synthesizing sociolegal phenomena, and historical description.

RESULTS. This article confirms the relevance of addressing the functions and role of the court in considering a criminal case and its merits in modern criminal procedure research. Using the ICC Trial Chamber’s regulatory and organizational peculiarities, it substantiates that the adversarial model of the criminal process does not preclude assigning an active role to the court in examining the facts to be proved. It also supports setting the goal of achieving material truth, which is essential for completing a complete, comprehensive, and objective study of the case materials. Furthermore, there are three levels in the structure of the ICC Trial Chamber’s functions and powers, each of which is embodied in law enforcement practice to facilitate a special and flexible combination of the adversarial and investigative principles of legal proceedings.

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION. This article proves that a court’s active role in criminal proceedings does not conflict with the adversarial nature of proceedings. An analysis of the provisions of the Rome Statute of the ICC, the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, and the jurisprudence of international tribunals highlights the advantages and disadvantages of the ICC Trial Chamber.

Russian Journal of Legal Studies (Moscow). 2024;11(2):97-106
pages 97-106 views
