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The objective of the study is a geoecological assessment of the water protection zone of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir. A comprehensive assessment of the water protection zone with total length more than 600 km was carried out. The study was based on the materials of remote surveys carried out using the Phantom 4 Pro and Phantom 4 Advanced unmanned aerial vehicles, and processed in the Agisoft Metashape Professional and ArcGIS software. The materials include photos and videos, as well as orthophotomaps obtained during the office analysis. Databases of the main parameters necessary for carrying out a geoecological assessment have been formed: the degree of erosional dissection, the intensity of abrasion, anthropogenic pressure and anthropogenic load. The article discusses the methods of geoecological assessment by analyzing the parameters presented. The water protection zone on the territory of Oktyabrskiy and Surovikino districts of Volgograd Region was completely surveyed. The entire water protection zone allowed for unmanned aerial vehicles flights within the boundaries of Dubovskoe, Tsimlyansk districts of Rostov Region and Kotelnikovо district of Volgograd Region as well as more than 80% of the territory of Kalachevsky district of Volgograd Region was investigated. The presented schematic maps obtained by analyzing high-precision orthophotomaps allow us to get a full picture of the geoecological state of the Tsimlyansk Reservoir water protection zone including economic activity analysis and its impact to the nature of the investigated territory. As a result of the conducted research, a series of GIS maps reflecting the geoecological indicators of the state of the water protection zone was created: a map of intensity of exogenous geological processes (the rate of destruction of the shores), a map of erosion fragmentation of the water protection zone, anthropogenic pressure map (demographic load), and a map of anthropogenic load, taking into account all types of economic activity in the studied territory. The result of the study is a geoecological assessment of the water protection zone according to the degree of manifestation of dangerous natural and anthropogenic processes.

About the authors

V. V Glinka

Russian Information, Analytical and Research Water Management Center Russian; Institute of Earth Sciences of the Southern Federal University

Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation; Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

L. A Bespalova

Russian Information, Analytical and Research Water Management Center Russian; Institute of Earth Sciences of the Southern Federal University

Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation; Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation


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