To the Question of the Realization of the Rights and Freedoms of the Individual in Conditions of Digitalization

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This article is devoted to the analysis of topical issues of the implementation of the rights and freedoms of the individual in the context of digitalization. A relatively new category of «digital rights» is considered. The paper notes that modern information technologies contribute to the emergence of new realities for a person, society and the state, create additional opportunities for the development of economic, social and other spheres, but at the same time they bear corresponding problems and risks, both in terms of the realization of the rights and freedoms of the individual, and for the state as a whole. The author refers to the main problems in this area: the vulnerability of the security of personal and other personal information of citizens; committing offenses through the use of modern information technologies, a possible violation of privacy, as well as legally protected secrets; the emergence of difficulties with the use of appropriate information technologies in connection with the unprecedented sanctions policy of Western countries; possible errors in the operation of such information systems; insufficient informatization of citizens. The author believes it is necessary to use an integrated approach: at the legislative level, it is necessary to adopt changes that regulate the rights and obligations of participants in digital relations and establish reasonable limits for the use of digital technologies; constantly improve legal methods for the protection of human rights; create a sovereign information platform, Russian software for the free exercise of citizens' rights using modern information technologies (also, these developments must be introduced into the activities of public authorities, state and municipal organizations); increase information and legal literacy of the population; to significantly strengthen the measures of legal responsibility both in relation to the perpetrators.

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About the authors

Ekaterina A. Zinovieva

Cand. Sci. (Law), independent researcher Moscow, Russian Federation


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