Trends, problems and prospects of modernization and development of agricultural engineering in Russia

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The article examines the state and current trends in the development of the Russian market of agricultural machinery. Based on the study of the current state of the agricultural machinery market and its dynamics, the work has developed proposals for managing the process of promoting agricultural machinery in the market that meets international standards. The study made it possible to draw the following conclusions. The Russian market of agricultural machinery has a great potential for growth, which is constrained by the low purchasing power of the agricultural producer. A very important point in ensuring the growth of sales of equipment, including abroad, is the fact that state support measures tend to expand more and more, with a corresponding increase in funding from the federal budget. Export access is one of the strategic objectives for the majority of Russian enterprises that produce agricultural machinery. The most preferred strategy is an offensive strategy of differentiated marketing, which should be focused on several market segments.

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About the authors

Natalia A. Solodovnikova

Institute of technology (branch) of Don State Technical University in Azov

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Department of Social and Economic Disciplines» Azov, Russian Federation


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