Actual problems of legal regulation of financial supervision of the stability of financial markets by national and international regulators

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Introduction. The article examines the current legal problems of the implementation of the basic international norms, principles and standards of financial supervision over the stability of financial markets into Russian legislation. The author proceeds from the assumption that legal regulation of the content of financial supervision occurs within the framework of the transformation of the model of international financial supervision and regulation, where, in addition to international legal sources widely apply the rules of «soft law». Materials and methods. The regulatory legal acts of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, documents of international financial institutions and organizations on financial control and supervision, and the norms of Russian banking legislation were used. The doctrinal approaches to the concepts of «financial supervision», «financial stability», «international financial supervision of financial markets» have been studied. The methods of comparative legal analysis of scientific concepts and foreign sources on the topic of the work were applied. Results. It was revealed that there is no unified approach to the concepts of «financial control», «financial supervision», «prudential supervision» in banking and financial legislation, in international financial law, in doctrine. Taking into account the digitalization and informatization of financial and legal norms, there is an increase in the transparency and public importance of financial supervision for countering financial crises. Critical assessments of Western concepts of supranational «soft» law «are given with an analysis of trends in the increase in the sovereign role of states in the implementation of SPS financial standards in the national law of states. Discussions and conclusions. The basic principles of financial supervision are enshrined in such international documents as the 1977 Lima Declaration of the Financial Control Guidelines, the Basel Agreements on General Principles of Banking Supervision (Basel I, II, III), etc. Although they have been implemented in Russian legislation, they are in constant the process of improvement and detailing by the law of the Russian Federation in accordance with international standards for financial markets in order to counter new threats to financial stability and security.

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About the authors

Alexey A. Sorochkin

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO MFA of Russia)

postgraduate student of the Department of Financial and Administrative Law Moscow, Russian Federation


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