Possibilities of using the «relationship principle» in relations between the Russian Federation and the PRC with the purpose of ensuring the rights of labor migrants

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Purpose of the study. The article examines the problems of including the principle of «reciprocity» in the system of bilateral relations between the Russian Federation and the PRC and the possibility of its implementation in the practice of ensuring the rights of labor migrants. It was determined that the principle of «reciprocity» implies the possibility of legislative consolidation of the rights, freedoms and obligations of migrants from the state that has undertaken to guarantee similar rights on its territory in relation to migrants from Russia. The inclusion of this principle in the system of bilateral and multilateral regulation of migration processes is justified, since migrants gain clarity about their rights and obligations; states receive an additional tool to protect the rights of their citizens abroad; the world community is gaining the opportunity to improve migration legislation, relying on the established practice of including the principle of reciprocity in the sphere of bilateral ensuring the rights of migrants. The article identifies two types of migration policy that ensures the rights of migrants and their protection: «aggressive migration policy», characteristic of modern China and passive (defensive), which determines the Russian type of migration policy. Conclusion. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the main problem associated with the inclusion of the principle of «reciprocity» in the structure of bilateral cooperation between Russia and China is that it is difficult to bring two types of migration policy, opposite in nature, to a state of parity in the legal provision of the rights of labor migrants , which makes it difficult to reach a consensus between the two countries on this issue. To solve this problem, the article proposes an algorithm for including the principle of «reciprocity» in the migration agenda of bilateral relations between the Russian Federation and the PRC. The use of this approach makes it possible to coordinate the positions of the two countries and a joint migration policy that ensures the rights of migrants, taking into account global trends in this area of international relations, to develop a mechanism for the mutual provision of the rights of labor migrants in Russia and the PRC.

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About the authors

E. E. O. Abdullaev

Email: elshanabdullaevmsu@gmail.com
Cand. Sci. (Law), independent researcher


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