Audit in the context of digitalization of the Russian economy: risks, opportunities, and limitations

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Task. In order to improve labor productivity and the quality of its results, modern business scales the use of software products for working with data and robotic solutions in relation to routine operations performed by employees and requiring them to focus their attention while following a constant algorithm of work. With the rapid development of the IT industry, the transition to robotization of some operations seems inevitable, affecting various areas of economic turnover. At the same time, accounting and auditing activities are also continuously influenced by trends in the information technology market, and this can be found both advantages and disadvantages and possible limitations. Model. The methodological apparatus of audit at the present stage is based on a risk-oriented concept, which is characterized not only by the presence of risks inherent in the audit, but also by the ability to use a differentiated approach to the analysis of source data. At the same time, the future of audit is not conceivable in isolation from the use of innovative technologies. Even now, auditors conduct information retrieval procedures based on a specific algorithm for data collection and analysis, as well as apply analytical methods for processing this data, along with elements of automation of operations. Conclusions. The future development of audit can no longer be imagined without the use of modern technological solutions aimed at improving the speed and quality of information processing, the volume of which is constantly increasing. At the same time, the auditor's task is to regularly improve professional knowledge, as well as to train knowledge and skills in the use of information technologies and ensuring information security at all stages of audit activity. Of course, following the innovative path of development both in the field of audit and in other areas of economic activity requires serious changes in the legal framework, requirements for professional training, principles of work organization and the way of life itself. Practical importance. The practical significance of the article is that the conclusions and proposals are aimed at increasing the emphasis on motivating auditors to improve their knowledge and competence not only in the economic subject area, but also in other subject areas. Originality. The study conducted by the authors revealed that the new reality has changed the attitude to audit as the main research tool of business. Using this irreplaceable tool allows the organization to take a leading position, ensuring the success and prosperity of the organization.

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About the authors

Irina P. Selezneva

FGOBU VO «Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation»

Master’s Degree Student Moscow, Russian Federation

Alexey A. Sitnov

FGOBU VO «Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation»

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor of Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit Moscow, Russian Federation


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