Some problems of legal assessment of consequences of abuse and abuse of power



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The paper deals with topical issues that arise in judicial and investigative practice when determining the measure of consequences in the case of abuse and abuse of power. The concept and types of consequences are revealed, the key problems of their legal regulation and practical implementation are highlighted. It is concluded that there are problems in determining the materiality of the harm caused as a result of abuse and abuse of authority by an official, and some measures for theoretical and practical improvement are proposed. In particular, it is proposed to clarify the definition of «significant harm» in the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of October 16, 2009 No. 19




Elena Seregina

Rostov Branch Russian State University of Justice

Cand. Sci. (Law), Assoc. Prof., Professor of criminal law Department Rostov, Russian Federation

Elena Kravtsova

Rostov Branch Russian State University of Justice

senior lecturer of the Department of criminal law Rostov, Russian Federation

Natella Khasanova

Administrative Commission Kirovsky district

leading specialist Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation


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