On the issue of the procedure for concluding a lease agreement for a land plot


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Task. The purpose of the study is to study the features of the legal regulation of concluding lease agreements for a land plot based on the results of an auction (tendering). Model. This article discusses the procedure for concluding a land lease agreement. We also reviewed the features of exchange and return of goods of good quality purchased remotely. The legislative process for the regulation of the land share lease agreement is analyzed. The legal positions of the courts on the issue are briefly considered. Conclusion. During the study, certain features inherent in the lease agreement for a land plot concluded because of the auction (auction) were revealed. The land lease agreement is assigned an important role in the development and improvement of property and land relations. This agreement contributes to the formation of a legal link between the participants and objects of property turnover, and acts as a legal means to ensure the protection of land plots in state and municipal ownership. The lease agreement is concluded in writing, and the procedure for concluding the agreement and the preceding procedures depend on the purpose for which a specific agreement is concluded.

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Sobre autores

Venera Shaydullina

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Email: vkshajdullina@fa.ru
Cand. Sci. (Law), Deputy Dean, Associate Professor of the Department of International and Public Law of the Law Faculty Moscow, Russian Federation


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